Lifeline Random Headcanons #2

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- She lets Pathfinder hang out in her room a lot so that D.O.C. has another friend.

- She is protective over Octane because they are best friends who supported each other for years.

- Ajay somewhat understands where Bangalore is coming from with her hatred towards men, but doesn't completely agree.

- Actually worked for a suicide prevention hotline for a few years.

- Lifeline will not let you pray away the gay. Respect the bi's, or she'll pluck out your eyes.

- If you play Fortnite, then say goodbye to your kneecaps, because she will make them nonexistent.

- Volunteers at orphanages to sing to children and read them stories.

- Ajay is that one person who ends up discovering everyone's embarrassing secrets, whether intentional or accidental. She somehow finds out more than Crypto. 😳

- Sometimes the only voice of reason.

- "Being transgender is just being gay with extra steps!" Lifeline: Yesn't

- Lifeline is a better health teacher than most ACTUAL health teachers.

- She sometimes has nightmares of losing one of her limbs, and getting a prosthetic replacement, based on Octane's robotic legs.

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