They walk in while you're changing 😳

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Hi friends!

How would the legends react to walking into your room while you are changing?

- Bloodhound:

The hunter opened your door so they could walk in and grab a belonging of theirs they left behind, then they notice you without clothing.

"My apologies, (Y/N)!" They say before leaving the room and shutting the door. Bloodhound was a flustered mess under their mask.

They promise to knock next time, and apologize to you again.

- Gibraltar:

He just wanted to hang out with his (S/O). When he entered the room, Makoa was about to sit on your bed, until you shouted, "Makoa, I'm changing!"

He blushed lightly, "Ah, sorry bruddah! Tell me when you're done!"

As you change, he waits on the other side of the door.

- Lifeline:

Ajay had no time to knock, she needed to tell you something important, but seeing you naked wasn't worth it.

"Huh? Ajay!"

"Ey, it ain't mah fault! Lock the door next time, (Y/N)!" She leaves the room, feeling embarrassed.

- Pathfinder:

The MRVN walked into your room to spend some time with you.

"Hi friend! What are you doing?"

"Path, get out! I'm changing!"

"Oh, you aren't wearing clothing! Very cool! I have never seen a human without clothes before, but you still are amazing, friend!"

"That's sweet, but get out."

The innocent MRVN doesn't understand why clothing mattered to you, but he left, respecting your opinion.

- Wraith:

Renee got warning from her voices that you were in the room, but she walked in anyways. Before you could yell at her to get out, she phased out of the room.

- Bangalore:

"Hey (Y/N), I- What the hell?"

"Anita, leave!"

"I'm your girlfriend! It's not bad if I stay-"

"Just get out please!"

"Alright then~" She leaves, feeling slightly flustered.

- Caustic:

This man doesn't know how to knock, he just entered your room.

"(Last name), have you-"

He went silent.

"I apologize, (Last name)." Alex exits the bedroom, and he is quite fortunate that his mask is covering the blush on his face.

- Mirage:

"Hey babe, what's up-"

He saw you, and froze, being a simp. Elliott couldn't stop staring for a while, until you threw a pillow at him.

"Eli, get out!"

"Right right, sorry! I-I, uh-" Mirage uses his decoy escape, but you are unsure if he actually left or not...

- Octane:

He ran into your room, not even bothering to knock.

"Hey (Y/N)- WOAH!" He blushed, and stimed away before you could yell at him to leave.

- Wattson:

She opened your door to say hi, simply that.

"Hello (Y/N)- Ah, sorry!" She immediately closed the door, and her face was covered in a red blush.

- Crypto:

You didn't notice him enter at first, until you heard Tae lightly gasp.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry!" He dashed to his own room, wishing he could un-see what he saw.

- Revenant:

He walked in, and immediately asked, "(Y/N), where are the knives?"

"Revenant, I'm changing."

"Good for you. Where are the knives?"

He really doesn't care if you are dressed or not. Revenant sees you as the same person, clothing or not. It doesn't bother him, but it does bother you.

- Loba:

The female went into your room, and blushed lightly. "Oh, hello beautiful~"

"Loba, get out!"

"Awh, but I want to admire your beauty~"

- Rampart:

Basically: "Eh, learn to lock the doors. I won't always be polite~"

- Horizon:

The scientist went to check on you, and regretted it.

"(Y/N), are you-" Her eyes widened, as she shut the door. "Apologies, dearie!"

- Fuse:

Walter was very excited as he barged into your room to tell you something.

"Ay (Y/N)! Oi finally got to slap the-"

He stopped in his tracks, and blushed as he looked up and down at your figure.

"I knew you had a nice arse~"


- Valkyrie:

She opened the door, and smiled, "Hey (Y/N), I-"

Then she noticed you were naked.

"Oh, sorry." She blasted off into her own room

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