Dealing with a Depressed (S/O)!

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They may not know what it's like to be truly depressed, but they do understand what it's like to be very sad. The hunter will ensure that you are enough, and claim that the Allfather will bless you. The tracker has a love for you stronger than their bond to the Gods. Bloodhound will pray to the Gods every single night, in hopes that you will be happier.


All Gibby wants to do is make you feel better! He is a very cheerful guy, and knows that what you need is some love and support! Gibraltar would spend much more time with you, whether it be telling you old stories, cracking jokes, or snuggles, the list is endless!


Being a medic, she has helped people with depression in the past. She will offer you some mood stabilizing medication, but mainly try to comfort you. Ajay is willing to listen to you about your life. She recommends activites that are mood boosting, such as exercising, and she will gladly do it with you!


Poor robot has no idea why you are sad, but Pathfinder makes it his mission to cheer you up! He will spent countless hours trying to make you smile. He may ask about why you are so sad, or what depression is, but whether he receives an answer or not, Pathfinder will be supportive!


The voidwalker gets upset. Not with you, but rather herself. She believes that your depression is her fault. But despite that, she does anything that will make you happy. Renee will constantly tell you that you are good enough. And if that doesn't work, she will give you plenty of kisses!


The usually tough women will become a calmer version of herself. She has an idea of what depression was like, because many of the soldiers she met were diagnosed with depression. As many of them have committed suicide, Anita refuses to leave you alone with a firearm. She convinces you that you are worth it, and that you deserve to live. She loves you too much to let you die.


The scientist will initially act like he doesn't care. In truth, he is very worried for you. Caustic is not good with comforting people, so he assures you to not worry, and spends much time in his lab trying to make a chemical to increase the dopamine in your brain. You really don't see how this is any better, but you appreciate his efforts.


He will be the most paranoid boyfriend ever. Always worrying about whether he is making you happy, or if he is even a good enough partner! Rest assured he does try to cheer you up, but in the end, you help him out a lot more than he does for you.


He really dislikes talking about depression, because it brings back memories of his younger years, but for his amor, he will do anything! He takes your focus off being sad, and challenges you against him in races. Octane always wins, but you two have fun together.


She doesn't like seeing you sad. Natalie will compliment you every chance she gets, and make sure there is never a moment where you are lonely! The French girl is naturally positive, and helps you see the bright side of everything!


Tae Joon Park will recommend you see a doctor about your depression, as he admits that he can't do much himself, but you convince the hacker that he can help! Every single day, Tae will stop spying on people with his drone, and check up on you. He may seem cold-hearted, but he cares!


When Revenant finds out his (S/O) is depressed, he turns into a completely different person. He stops at nothing to make sure you are well. The simulacrum understands what it is like to feel worthless, and he doesn't want you to go through that. He will literally kill someone for you if you ask. Revenant goes full simp mode just to make you happy.


Loba Andrade never thought she would be in a relationship with someone who is depressed. Her way of cheering you up is by stealing valuable items and gifting them to you. And trust me when I say she is always ready for cuddles!


Ramya had a very bad reaction to your problems. She took depression very lightly, and make suicide jokes, because it's in her nature to make jokes. She eventually saw how this was hurting you, and took depression seriously. Because Rampart felt so guilty, she did whatever you told her to for a whole week!


The astronaut hates seeing her lover feel this way. Mary spent hours talking to you about your issue, and recommending ways to treat depression. She talks very sweetly and encourages you everyday! She insists that it's not a problem at all for her to help you, but deep down, she is glad you can smile!


He doesn't want to leave you alone, knowing the possible risks. Fuse will offer to let you join him on many if his crazy activities, which you end up enjoying. He also recommends that you get a therapist or a doctor to talk about your problems.

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