Explanation of past relationships/crushes in my AU

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Hi friends!

Some of you may wonder about the legends who were in past relationships, or used to have a crush on someone. I can explain it!


Mirage and Wraith began dating after knowing each other in the games for a while. They both really thought they were in love, but it was a mistake. Elliott was a hopeless romantic, and didn't see that Wraith wasn't the one for him. They eventually broke up, but remain as best friends!


Before Wraith was experimented on and lost her memory, she was in a very abusive relationship with Bangalore. At the time, Anita Williams had anger issues, and took it out on Wraith. When they met once again, Renee was in fear of her ex-girlfriend, and they became nemeses.


In Season 5, Crypto and Wattson hung out a lot, and overtime, Crypto realized that he fell in love with the French woman. Though, after conflict and a final resolution that led to the scientists being friends, Tae is not sure if he is in love with her to this day, but he is in love with someone else...


Octane had tried numerous times to get together with Lifeline, but she always rejected him, poor guy was friendzoned. Until the day came that Ajay realized she loved Octavio. But it was too late. His feeling for her were gone...

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