Crpytage Headcanons #1

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Hi friends!

This is a little gift for Holly_Volturi because they love this ship and I love them as a best friend! 😊❤

Here we go:

- Crypto is the tsundere in their relationship. Both of them were at some point, but it never changed for Crypto.

- Mirage flirts with Crypto all the time, but can't handle it when Tae flirts back.

- The hacker watches anime with his boyfriend all the time.

- Sometimes, Tae Joon Park will compliment Elliott in his native language so then Mirage can't tell that he is being nice.

- Crypto secretly admires Mirage's intellectual side, one he didn't even know the trickster had.

- Sometimes Elliott will catch Crypto cuddling with one of his decoys. Let's just say, it ends in cuddles 😍

- Mirage stopped flirting with others when he began dating Crypto.

- Crypto helps Mirage pronounce big words the younger male has trouble saying.

- Tae really likes Elliott's hair, and very much loves to run his hands through it, admiring how well Mirage took care of it.

- Yeah, they always had romantic tension between each other, since the day they first met.

- Mirage likes to write cheesy poems for Crypto to look smart and impress him.

- Tae is extremely protective of Elliott, especially when Caustic is around.

- Surprisingly, Crypto doesn't like Elliott's porkchops. He loves them.

- Half the time, the mysterious hacker is thinking about Elliott's muscles.

- Mirage can pick up Crypto with ease, and he loves to do it.

- Mirage sometimes practices flirting with his decoys, all to get better at flirting with Crypto.

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