Announcement about ships I don't like!

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Hi friends!

I wanted to talk about stuff you may request.

I have noticed that a lot of people refrain from requesting certain ships because I don't like them, but here is what I have to say:

I am OKAY with writing content about ships that I don't ship! I want to write whatever entertains me and my fans!

The only ship I don't support is Revenant x Loba, but hardly anyone wants to see that, so there is no huge problem with it! If you ship this, I will do my best to respect your opinion, but I won't support it. Overall, Revenant x Loba is a very unhealthy and illogical ship.

But here is an example: WraithBear10 (sorry if you didm't want to be tagged) is a huge Miraith shipper, while I personally don't like Miraith. I prefer Miragehound. They respect my opinion, and I respect theirs. They have went out of their way to not force the Miraith ship on me. Although I appreciate it, they don't need to do that. I am happy to write about ships I don't ship! Miraith is the most popular Mirage ship, and I hold a high amount of respect for it.

So if you don't want to request a ship because I don't like it, don't worry! Most likely, I'll respect your opinion! Unless it's Revenant x Loba, or a ship that really doesn'y make sense. In the case of a ship that doesn't make sense, provide context for how it can work out!

Thank you for taking the time to read this, friends!

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