Pathfinder Random Headcanons #2

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- He is the only person that doesn't know Revenant wants to die.

- Although Pathfinder understands that he is killing people in a bloodsport, he doesn't understand the concept of eternal death. He thinks that people always respawn, but fortunately has not figured it out the hard way.

- The MRVN has always wanted to be a human.

- Pathfinder is the only person who can calm down Revenant.

- He loves all of the mechanical minds that help the other legends. D.O.C, Hack, NEWT, even Sheila, they're all his friends.

- No matter how his (S/O) looks, Pathfinder will love them the same way, because to him, looks mean nothing.

- If someone were to try and murder him, HE would apologize.

- Pathfinder doesn't hate anyone. He loves everyone!

- This innocent robot is the strongest legend on the team, and can throw a wild punch! Though he usually is a peaceful and cheerful person.

- He always prioritizes his friends' health over his own.

- Pathfinder may not know what exactly Revenant has gone through, but he'll do a lot to help the simulacrum feel better!

- Yes, he knows a curse word, but overall, he legally can't swear.

- The MRVN is that one friend in the group who is very clueless and will not be told what is going on. (Basically me.)

- He mixes up a lot of relationship terms. For example: Friend and Fiance.

- He wants to adopt children with Revenant, specifically the loot ticks.

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