27 - Desire

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~ Slow Down - Chase Atlantic ~

I want you skin to skin, breathing my air, lips on mine, hands in mine, heart of mine
-Elijah Chambers

"So, River," Ashlyn calls out.

"Mhmm?" I ask as I apply my makeup.

"What's going on with you and Eli? You know we're like, still a thing, right?" She asks. I roll my eyes, she's lying. Eli doesn't want anything to do with her.

I put down my makeup brush and turn around to face her. She sits on her bed scrolling through her phone as always. "Oh really? What about Owen?" Her face pales as soon as I mention his name.

She flicks a blonde lock of hair behind her shoulder. "Just friends. Until Eli comes back to me. He always plays games like this," she says. I turn back around to finish my makeup.

"I'm just saying watch out. I wouldn't want you to get hurt." The way she tells me, I can tell she isn't warning me in a nice way. I stand up and begin packing my bag.

I hear footsteps and turn around to see Ashlyn right in front of me. "Just, watch it okay. I don't like it when people steal what's mine." She places her hand on my shoulder and I immediately shake her off.

Her hand falls and she glares at me. She puts on a sweet smile but I can see straight through her facade. "I'm just warning you step sis. Eli tends to..." she pauses. I raise a brow motioning for her to continue. "Play with girls. A lot."

I shrug. I know Eli isn't playing me. He couldn't be. But I do know he has a bad past. "Thanks for the concern Ashlyn but I'm fine. I'm leaving to go study." I smile back. But it's a fake smile.

"Ash, you ready?!"

Both our heads snap to the door as Owen walks in. "Riverrr, what's up. Here's what I'm thinking babe. Me, you movie Friday night," he says.

I scoff, grabbing my phone and keys before I leave. I don't bother saying a word to him. I take the stairs on my way out.

I walk straight to the bus stop. It doesn't take long before the bus gets here. But a 40 minute bus ride is longer than I anticipated. It's only a 15 minute drive.

I head straight to the elevator and to the top floor. It's not a penthouse or anything like that. Just a spacious condo. I head down the hallway and knock on the door multiple times.

Finally it opens and Eli stands in the doorway wearing a pair of grey sweat shorts. And only that. A towel hangs around his neck as his wet hair drips onto his naked chest. "Was showering. I thought you quit on me," he says.

I shake my head with a small smile. "I wouldn't." He moves out the way letting me in. "I didn't know a bus would take so long," I explain. And I left late because of Ashlyn's little talk.

He closes the door behind us. "If you called I could've driven you." He takes my hand in his and begins pulling me inside.

"It's fine, really. I don't mind. My dad got me a bus pass," I inform. He snorts as he brings me into the kitchen.

He lets go of my hand walking over to the fridge. "Why don't you have a car?" He asks. He opens the fridge taking out a box of pizza.

"I don't like driving," I shrug. He nods, throwing slices on a plate.

"How many do you want?" He asks, looking back at me.

My eyebrows crease. "I thought you were making me lunch?" I ask. He laughs lightly while scratching the back of his head.

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