10 - Authority

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~ OKAY - Chase Atlantic ~

Everything is crystal clear until it comes to you, you fuck with my head and shatter the crystals -River Mitchell

"I don't know. I think cargos would look better," I mumble, staring at myself in the full length mirror.

Ebony shakes her head. "You have beautiful long legs. Show them off." I laugh at her words before nodding. I guess a skirt wouldn't hurt.

I pull down on the ends feeling self conscious. "Stop worrying darling. You look good." I look back at Marcus who has my journal in his hand.

"What're you doing?" I rush to him and take it from his hold. He lifts his hands in the air, a pen between his fingers.

"I didn't read it. I only drew on the cover. It was quite plain," he says. I look at the grey cover of my notebook. It's an eyeball with a tear falling. A man possibly screaming or trying to bang his way out is drawn in the pupil.

 A man possibly screaming or trying to bang his way out is drawn in the pupil

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I love it. "Thank you. I love it," I tell him. He shrugs.

"Figured. That book you have, Blood Runs Deep, I read it while you showered. Some deep ass poems, pretty depressing," he laughs.

I laugh agreeingly with him. I hear a knock at the door. "That's Eli," I inform.

"I got it." Ebony heads to the door.

Marcus gets up and picks his bag off the floor. "Where's Ashlyn?" Marcus asks. I shrug.

That's a good question. I haven't seen her all day. "I don't know. Probably late." I grab my phone before walking to the door, Marcus following behind.

Ebony talks but Eli's eyes soon meet mine. His gaze moves up and down my body, slowly taking in everything. "Told you I should've worn cargos. We could've matched." I skip over to Eli in his black cargos and graphic shirt.

"I'll see you later," Ebony waves before leaving.

"Wrap it before you tap it!" Marcus yells as he follows Ebony out. Ebony smacks his arm.

I shake my head knowing I'll get him back later. "I don't know, I think I like the skirt better," Eli breathes out. I laugh lightly and nudge his elbow with mine.

"Come on." He motions his head towards the elevators. I follow him out to the parking lot but I don't see his car.

"Is Owen picking us up?" I ask as he walks towards the end of the lot.

"Nope." Eli approaches a black motorcycle and holds out a helmet to me. I guess he'll meet us there.

"I don't know. Maybe we could take the bus or walk," I suggest.

Eli puts on his helmet before turning to me with the visor up. "Don't think about it too much." He takes the helmet from my hand and puts it over my head for me.

Signal of Distress Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora