9 - Dance

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~ Breathin - Ariana Grande ~

Are you running from me or your thoughts
-Elijah Chambers

"You can't hide from him forever," Marcus taunts. I roll my eyes.

"I'm not hiding. Just because I haven't seen Eli in a week doesn't mean I'm hiding." I'm lying. I've been avoiding him all week and trust me, it hasn't been easy.

I would make a fool of myself if I were to see him right this second. Ebony nudges my arm. "I bet you he'll show at the end of our class again." I shake my head. One day I walked out of class and he was right there. Luckily he got distracted by someone so I could easily slip away.

But now I'm cautious because almost every class he's waiting for someone. Hopefully it's someone who isn't me. "Or your dorm," Marcus adds. He came a few times but I pretended to be asleep. I had too.

"And I'll keep making up excuses and avoiding him. Later," I wave to them before walking into my literature class. We are reading Crime and Punishment for this class and I love it.

The whole class I spent taking notes and writing. Nothing new. I pack up my belongings as soon as the class ends. My phone buzzes and I check the message from Ebony. Marcus ran out of red paint. Meet you at your dorm later. Marcus is in one of his art classes currently.


I freeze at my name being called. "River," he repeats. I grab my bag and phone before bolting out the door. Luckily this classroom has two doors, one on each end.

"River wait!" I look back to see Eli jogging after me. I slow down into a speed walk careful not to bump into anyone.

"I'm really busy right now. Low on red paint messages you know," I ramble. I mentally facepalm. Red paint messages- what does that even mean?

"Two seconds," he says.

I shake my head. "Two seconds wasted is the two seconds I could get the red paint," I mumble. I shriek when I'm suddenly yanked to my left.

The door closes and lights flicker on. I look around to see shelves of cleaning supplies. "This is the custodian's room. We probably shoul-"

"Shut up for a second." I stay silent. He takes a deep breath and leans his back against the door. "Why're you avoiding me?"

"I'm not. I'm just a busy woman," I lie. I have no life.

He chuckles, shaking his head. "Red paint makes you busy?" He questions. He raises a taunting brow.

"Yes. Red paint," I nod. He takes a step closer to me and I step back. Our movements repeat until my back hits the shelf. "Eli," I breathe out.

"Am I making you nervous?" He asks.

I don't say anything. He lifts his hands against the shelf keeping me trapped between them. As usual. It's like the only move he has.

"Breathe," he whispers. His minty breath fanning my face. I nod slowly. He holds out one of his hands in front of me. A rolled up piece of paper in between his fingers.

I take it from him. "I'll see you later, River. Stop avoiding me," he says before leaving.

I let out a huge breath. I don't know why but Eli makes me feel things I've never felt before. Things I don't want to feel. Things even more indescribable than my feelings.

I open the paper and read the message.

She's a runaway girl,
come on baby we'll have a thrill

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