C h a p t e r 3

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Sexual Content Warning ⚠️
A/N: This takes place the morning before the murder.

Chapter 3 : XavierThursday, July 15th, 2021

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Chapter 3 : Xavier
Thursday, July 15th, 2021

I know I should have stopped myself once the anger that had previously consumed me turned into a familiar numbness, but I didn't.

Blow after blow, I feel outside of myself as I toss my right fist out in a curved punch, directed at the barely conscious man before me. He's very clearly hurt, but I keep going. By the time I'm done with him, the only thing he's going to be capable of is talking. Just where we need him.

I've been at this all morning, but I don't feel myself tire in the slightest.

His hands are bound by wire and tied behind a plastic fold-out chair, leaving him with no choice but to take each one of my relentless hits. With my right foot slightly behind me, I move in to strike again, but my movements falter when I feel a firm grip on my shoulder. Alec.

"Why don't you take a break? We need him in somewhat of a functioning condition for him to be useful for us." My best friend and business partner says with humor in his voice.

Alec is one of two people that can pull me back to reality when I get like this. Anyone else would likely be knocked out on the ground by now.

My entire body is shaking from overexerting myself for such a long period of time, but I manage to cease my brutal assault. 

Not feeling too talkative, as usual when I get like this, I give a sharp nod.

Stepping back, I observe for the first time the harsh condition I put this man in.

Blood trickled down his broken face that was now covered in an array of cuts and bruises, matching the ones that have reopened on my own knuckles. Tears spilled from his tired eyes, causing him to wince each time one of them ran over a cut. The sight brought a dark smile to my face.

There were very few things in this world that brought me joy, but the terrified look in this man's eyes was one of them.

I'm a monster and those who know me- or know of me wish they didn't. I liked things that way, though. After all, no one can hurt you if you don't give them the chance to do so in the first place.

The only reason Alec and my other friend Caleb stick with me is because on the inside, they're just as fucked up and demented as I am. They just hide it better. 

Seeing as I hadn't left yet, Alec nudged me, encouraging me to get out so he could do his work without the man being too scared shitless to say anything. Taking the hint, I give him a nod in goodbye.

Walking out the door, I move into the attached observation room containing a large, one-way mirror and an audio recording system. This way I could still hear and witness what this pathetic man had to say.

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