118. Twoset Firefighters IV/Zookeeper VII Mashup III

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"So... between you two.. are the feelings mutual?"

"Oh. Um.. OMG.. I... I wish it was.. but I don't think so..."

"Hmm... Look, if I shared not only visual appearances with the other Eddy but how I felt about a Brett Yang... I'm telling you, your Eddy would be crazy about you."

Firefighter Brett looked at Eddy.

"Do you really think so..?"

"Yeah. And I've known Brett for less than a year. But as soon as I met him.. bang, it sorta happened.. How long have you guys been working together?"

"....years and years..."

"Well.. maybe he hasn't realised what a gem he's been working with."

"Oh, we know we work great together.. but...."

Concertmaster Eddy smiled.

"I hope he notices some more things about you soon. If it's anything like what happened to me, it should hit him like a tonne of bricks."

"Hey.. Francis.. good girl.."

"OMG Brett is that ... a mouse??"

"Yeah.. she likes these the best.. it's her treat."

Firefighter Eddy watched Zookeeper Brett smile at the bird that was finally perched on his left arm.   Once the owl received the mouse from Brett, Eddy saw it do what looked like a little juggling act with the mouse in its beak before it started to swallow it whole as it made vertical and circular movements simultaneously. For Eddy it was fascinating and stomach-churning at the same time to see it so up close.

"Brett, she's not gonna choke on that thing?"

"No, she's actually got a hole in her tongue so that she can still breathe while she's eating."

Firefighter Eddy widened his eyes.

"No kidding"

 Once the owl swallowed the mouse, Brett gently held onto what looked like leather straps attached to the owl's legs and he carefully secured their ends to a ring on his left glove.

"Okay.. she's quite secure with me now Eddy.. we're ready to head down back to.....OMG"


"I.. accidentally looked down..."


"OMG.... OMG..."

Eddy slowly placed his hand on Brett's shoulder.

"Look up.. keep looking up into the trees Brett. Or can you look at Francis?"

"OMG.. OMG.. OMG..."

"Brett, it's okay.."

Eddy moved his hand to the centre of Brett's back.

"OK.. that's better.. I'm better... thanks.. Eddy.."

"Alright.. I'm gonna move us down now. But I'm gonna need both hands to operate this thing.. So I need you to just grab onto me with your right hand Brett.. can you do that?"

With his free right hand, Brett felt around for Eddy's arm as he had his eyes focused up high into a tree. Eddy grabbed his hand.

"Gotcha. Ok, I'm just gonna let you grab my forearm, okay?"


Eddy flinched with the surprisingly tight grip Brett had of his wrist.

"Um.. Brett.. can you move your grip a bit higher... somewhere a bit closer to my elbow... there.."

Brett still managed to have a pretty strong grip on his arm.

"Okay.. you're doing great Brett.. hold on for just a bit more and I'll get us down on the ground, okay?"

Brett was looking away from Eddy, upwards towards the trees.

"OMG Eddy, you even sound like him.....!!!"

"WTF.. for real?"

Concertmaster Eddy furrowed his brows.

"Something's not right."


"Brett...the Brett up there.. he looks distressed."

"OMG.. Eddy.. is Brett scared of heights?"

Concertmaster Eddy turned to Firefighter Brett.

"I don't know. It never came up... why?"

Firefighter Brett bit his lip.

"Because I am."


"I have it under control.. I can still work fine but I'm not a big fan of heights. If we're similar, that could be what's bothering him..."


"They're coming down... yeah I think Brett's looking a bit tense..."

What if I ain't no violinist?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora