"I say that and you say same here?" Lando laughed slightly disappointed.

"Jesus alright, I'll do better." Emilia exhaled. "You've made a big impact on the little time I've known you. You're all I think about, when I'm around you, when I'm not around you, when I'm driving. Everything is just you. I've tried ignoring these feelings but I couldn't, so thank you for not giving up on me. I really like you." Emilia beamed and leaned it to kiss Lando. 

"I didn't mean you had to say that much, you could have just said it back. But I really like you too." Lando grinned after they'd finished kissing. Emilia responded with no words but instead a kiss. She wanted to get closer so she stood up from her chair and sat on Lando's on top of him. The kiss deepened and Lando's hands moved to her hips pulling her closer. One of his hands then slipped up her skirt onto her inner thigh. His lips moved to her neck sucking it softly but not soft enough that it wouldn't leave bruises the next day.

"Lando." Emilia breathed.

"Yeah?" Lando turned his head to look at Emilia's eyes.

"Not yet. I'm sorry." Emilia shook her head. Lando understand what she met right away and nodded.

"That's okay Emi, we can wait." Lando softly smiled and brushed his hand against her cheek then gave her a quick kiss.

"You sure?" Emilia asked and Lando tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear.

"Yeah of course." Lando honestly answered. Emilia actually believed him which surprised her because she had always had issues with trusting people. She must be falling for him really hard. The Williams driver turned around so she was facing the city like Lando. Lando wrapped his arms around her stomach and she put hers on top of his. "Are you okay, like seriously?" Emilia thought for a moment before she responded.

"I mean, this job is really stressful, family is stressful, social media is stressful but I know a lot of people have it worse so there's nothing to worry about." Emilia shrugged. Because she was on Lando's lap, she was facing the same way as him therefore she couldn't see his face.

"You have every right to be not okay. This job is hard enough by itself let alone being a woman because you get double the amount of shit everyone else does. I'm not sure what's going on with your family but just because people have it worse doesn't mean you can't complain. There's always going to be people who have it worse and people who have it better and that doesn't mean that you can't say you're not okay." Lando explained. Emilia knew she was so lucky to have him. Just the way he asked if she was okay when he didn't have to and how he tried and succeeded in making her feel better.

"Thank you Lando but I mean there's nothing to worry about. I'm okay and as for my family. My family is just very difficult. My parents and brother aren't the most supportive. They never agreed with me karting or me having a career. After I decided to travel more for international tournaments, they pretty much discarded me, I moved in with my Grandad. I still go back for holidays but it's always 'why can't you be like your brother' when he has a basic nine to five job. Like go him, but why am I looked down on when I'm a Formula 1 driver. Not that I'm saying I'm better with him I just don't see why I'm less significant." Emilia complained. She probably sounded like a whiny bitch but there were deeper problems with her family she didn't fancy going into.

"You're not less significant to me." Lando rubbed Emilia's shoulder as she spoke. She felt tears arise but tried to blink them away. Crying wasn't a usual thing for her and it took a lot for her to cry as she was fairly good at hiding her emotions apart from when she was drunk – she was an emotional drunk. So where this was all coming from, she had no idea.

"Thanks Lando. I'm lucky to have you and to have my Grandad as well because I wouldn't have my seat or have you without him. I try so hard to make him proud and I think I do at least but I still want to make my parents proud I know it's bad and I know I shouldn't but I still want their validation." Emilia said letting tears fall.

That's Racing Baby | Lando NorrisWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt