C42:Confirmed the news

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I sighed sitting down beside her as I caressed her hair watching her sleep peacefully

After telling me what happened, I calmed her down before taking her here at my hotel

I don't know where she's staying at but I knew she needed some comfort

Yes, she stayed there through my hard times before and I want to do the same for her

Y/n:I'm sorry

I said softly while caressing her hand

How can Taehyung do that?

I couldn't believe he'll go to the point that he will use someone just to forget me

I sighed once again before laying beside her, closing my eyes slowly drifting off to sleep

-The Next Morning-

I decided to make a breakfast since I woke up a little bit early. My head was aching a bit as I didn't got enough sleep last night


Well, the only thing Sarah did was throw up again and again. She even woke up in the middle of the night just to scream Taehyung's name

Also, she being she when sleeping. Rolling here and there

I knew I should've sleep on the sofa in the fist place

I sighed placing the plate on the table before hearing a groan coming from the bedside

Y/n:Get up if you're already awake and have a breakfast

Sarah entered the kitchen while rubbing her forehead

Y/n:Here it'll help to take away your hangover

I stated handing her a glass of water and some medicine


She muttered lowly as she sat on the table

Y/n:I'm going off to work, take care of yourself

I stated walking on the living room to get my bag. I walked to the door and was about to open it when she called out


I stopped but didn't looked at her

Sarah:Does..your memory, really came back?

This time my head shift to her direction

Y/n:If you still consider me as a friend or atleast care for me a little, then don't tell anyone about it

I opened the door

Y/n:Let's talk if we get to meet later

With that, I left the room. I was halfway to the elevator when I received a text

From Hobi:Goodmorning girlfriend! I'm sorry I can't pick you up today, We have an early schedule to do so

From Hobi:But don't worry! I'll drop you off later

From Hobi:See you around the building <33

I sighed turning my phone off as I continued my walk

BigHit Building

I walked inside the building greeted by the staff. I never imagine the day will cone that I will have to work with them even just temporarily

Before, I used to come here as my Idols' protection or somethin'

Now, here I am. In my formal attire, heading to my owned office. Working for them as a designer

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