C67: Worries

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I ran up to my room after teasing Yoongi. I changed my clothes and was about to use the shower when I realized that Namjoon has occupied the bathroom upstairs. I went downstairs as I decided to drink something before I took a quick shower

I entered the kitchen seeing the two of them hugging. A smiled appeared in my face seeing her smiled in his arms. Now I know she's in a good hands, I'm at ease. Specially now that she's happy.


It's after dinner, everyone was heading to their rooms to rest. We decided to call it a night since we're all exhausted. As I locked the front door, I saw how it suddenly began to rain heavily along with some lightnings and muffled thunders

I walked upstairs before knocking to the door across mine


She asked as she opened the door. Her hair was damped as she just got out from a shower

Yoongi:Just checking on you. Last thing I know you couldn't sleep alone with a thunder outside booming across your window

She chuckles making my heart skipped a beat

Yoongi:Just to remind you, your boyfriend's room is just across you. This time do come to me or..do you want me to stay?

Y/n:Come in

She smiled. I closed the door as I entered her room, walking straightly to the window before closing the curtains.

I turned to her, she was sitting on her bed while leaning on the headboard. A book on her hand as she red peacefully.

I sat next to her as she closed her book, before laying on my chest.


I hummed in reply as I kissed her head

Y/n:Where do you think Caleb has gone to?

Yoongi:I..don't know either. For now, let's forget about him

Y/n:I'm just..bothered. What if he's out there, planning something on you guys? What if..he really meant it when he told us that he'll kill you one by one

She sat down

Yoongi:Y/n hey baby relax

Y/n:You don't know him, he has power. I'm not going to be at ease until I know that he's in jail.

Yoongi:But we don't have a trace yet, they'll catch him. Sooner or later, I promise. Okay?

I hugged her as she nodded. There's something bothering me, about my announcement earlier. I forgot about Caleb, I'm so careless. He must've watched the news by now..


I sat on my sofa, staring intensely at the screen. I clench my wine glass seeing him smirking on the screen.

The news are all about his announcement about their relationship. They are together now. They must've thought my threat was just a joke.

Wait and see Y/n..

Your happiness won't last long


I have a surprise for him, I knocked on his studio excitedly but no one answered. I oped it seeing no one.

Y/n:Hobi told me he's here

I turned around and was about to leave the room when I got a text

"Want to see the last seconds of his life? Go outside"

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