C4: Memory-Member

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It's Saturday so I'm taking my Weekend day off.

After greeting Jin on twitter, I went downstairs to make some nice, simple and delicious breakfast.

I turned on the small tv that I have in my kitchen before starting to bake.

I smiled hearing the news about how Korea displayed some pictures of Jin on different large screens they have in Korea.

"Oh! Right now where's the flour and the baking powder?"

Just as I opened the cabinet above me, I heard my phone ringed.

I went on the counter where I place my phone and saw that it was Caleb.


I answered it and put it on a speaker. I saw the flour and baking powder on the cabinet that I opened and tried to reached it..

[On Speaker]

Caleb:Y/n good morning baby!

Me:Oh shut up

I said struggling to my position, reaching for the flour and baking powder.

Caleb:You okay? You sound struggling.

Me:Y-yeah I..I'm okay just reaching this flo--

I stopped talking as a memory flashed on my mind.

I tiptoed opening the cupboard's cabinet door.

I was struggling as I can't reach the glass, I even accidentally pushed it and went inside more!

I tiptoed more until I felt someone's presence leaning behind me. I turn around and look up only to saw...

Someone grabbing the glass.

I don't know but blushed as his body was sooo close to me! My heartbeat fasten as I realised that his chest was just inches away from me.

I look up and saw him looking down to me. We stared at each other not wanting to look away.

His face was unclear unable for me to recognize.

Coming back from the reality, my chest tightened while breathing heavily letting my self sat on the floor.

This time....

I didn't notice I was already crying. It's like my heart remembered a familiar situation that my mind somehow forgotten or got erased.


Caleb:Y/n?? What's happening there?! Are you crying?! Y/n answer me!!

Me:I-I'm fine. I gotta go, *sniff* I'll call you later.

I didn't let him finish as I already ended the call.

I was crying non stop and I don't know why.

"Just who are you? Why do I feel...missing you?"


"Y/n, you awake?"

I groaned before opening my eyes slowly, my vision is still blurry but I somehow saw someone's presence beside me.


It somehow the first word escaped from my mouth. But then, my vision went back to normal as I saw that it was only my cousin who's beside me.

Yoonjin:W-what did you say? Y/n did your memory came ba--

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