C63: What kind of friend?

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I woke up with someone gently shaking me

??:Baby? Hey wake up. You need to get ready, we'll miss our flight

I groaned feeling light headed as I stretched to the other side of the bed

Y/n:What time is it?

??:1 am

Wait hold on. Baby? Did someone just called me baby?

I don't even have a f*cking boyfriend! Wait--don't tell me someone's in my room???

I eyes sprung open as I shift my head to the direction of the voice

There I saw Holy Min Yoongi standing beside the bed while putting on his belt, no shirt--WAIT putting on his belt??

I fall off the bed as I muttered 'holly shit'

What happened last night?

Yoongi:What are you doing there on the floor? Get ready we're leaving in 40 mins.

I looked down and my jaw just dropped. I'm..just in my undies. Seriously what happened last night??

I looked up at him, my eyes were open wide while trying to remember what happened

Y/n:L-last night..

He walked to me before lifting me up to the bathroom. He put me on top of the sink counter before leaning to give me a peck

Yoongi:Get ready


Yoongi:Do you want me to join you?

He smirked as I kept my mouth shut. Just like that, he walked away, closing the door behind

What the HECK?

Just then, slowly. I got to remember last night



We bought a coffee from Starbucks as we waited for Jimin and Rośe. We're now currently at the airport, the guards are watching us from afar carefully so that no one recognize us specially this guy beside me

Y/n you're such an idiot! How could you let that happen??

Happen? Nothing happened. Nothing. Really. Nothing.

Oh f*ck

Yoongi:You alright?

Y/n:Huh? Oh uh y-yeah just..Mm! The coffee taste great! I love this flavor! Uh..Frappe Cappuccino? Yeah *nervous laugh*

I smiled awkwardly as he just chuckled at me


Just then, we heard a voice from afar

Rośe:There they are!

We shifted to them

Y/n:Oh they're here!

They walked to us as Rośe and I hugged each other

Y/n:Ready to go back?

She smiled while nodding as an answer, we pulled away as Jimin hugged me too

Jimin:Thank you

Y/n:And you're welcome Chim

We pulled away as his eyes grew a bit bigger, before he placed his hand on my forehead

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