C45: Blind Anger

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Hoseok stepped on the gas making it in full speed as he drove on the empty road

I just want you to notice me Y/n, I'm here. You could lean on me, you could cry on my shoulder

I can comfort you

Why do you kept pushing away everyone who cares for you?

Why do you kept saying you're okay even if we all know you're not?

You're just harming yourself

He tightened his grip on the steering wheel, slowly increasing more his speed

Y/n:Hoseok-ah, I want to be alone so please..please go away. I don't need anyone right now, please respect my privacy Mr. Jung

Y/n's word didn't left his mind as it made him drove even faster, reaching the speed limit

I want to take you to your hotel just to make sure you were safe

I want to be with you time to time just to make sure you don't stress yourself

I'm just worried for you, why is it hard for you to understand?


You walked to the elevator while stumbling a bit. Your body was numb ever since this morning, your energy got drained up after hearing Sarah's words

You just lost your sister and it broke you deep inside. You hate it knowing you were the reason why she left, you stole her hapiness, the person she loves the most


The elevator opened as you walked to the hallway, heading to your hotel room as you dragged your feet lazily

You've reached your room as you entered inside while turning on the lights, pushing your door lightly behind

Didn't even noticed you didn't locked your door

You tossed your bag on your bed along with your blazer, kicking off your heels as it flies across the room before heading to the bathroom..taking your phone with you


You were staring at your reflection with a blank face as you could already saw how broken you are by just looking into your eyes, tears were forming uncontrollably and with a blink of an eye you were now crying

This is what you don't want anyone to see

You look weak..



You scoffed to yourself as you let out a sarcastic chuckle

Y/n:Look at what you've done. A great job Y/n, everyone was starting to leave you one by one now

You said as you smiled darkly


You yelled angrily as you slammed the counter sink before bursting into tears

You were angry, angry to yourself. You've surely changed, from a sweet lovely Y/n to a broken girl no body knows who

So many secrets and problems, won't even ask for help even if how much she's been suffering into

You were just trying your best, be the girl everybody want you to be. A puppet.

Even tho the inner you was screaming to stop, screaming for help, you didn't listen

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