C36: Have to Pretend

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A faint voice can be heard from the inside, telling me to come in. I slowly twisted the door knob, entering as my eyes wondered inside the room till I made an eye contact with someone...someone I used to be with even just for a short of time

I thought he was finally the one who can understand me, one of the reason why I had hope, I thought there was really a special bond between us, I thought..I just thought..he l--

??:Please have a sit Ms. Smith

A voice stated pulling me out of my thoughts as I bowed to each of them. I walked on the sofa and sat where Pd Nim motioned me to have a seat which where beside Hoseok

I started to feel uncomfortable as Bang ShinHyuk eyed both of us, he wears no emotion as he looked at the two of us with a laptop on his lap

He sighed turning it away from him making it face us as he placed it on the table in front of us, the article displayed there as I took a gulp


The tension in the room grows as you stayed your head lowed while biting your bottom lip

Pd Nim:What shall we do about this?


Pd Nim:You should've move smoothly so you two could've not been caught

He mumbled enough for you two not to hear. What he really knows was you two are both in a relationship, he didn't even had a doubt about it as after all, you've lived with them due to some situation and he saw the bond you've made on each and everyone of them

Making him not surprise anymore if he heard that you and one of the boys are in a relationship even if you've lost your memory, it's your heart who knows everything

He sighed leaning back to the couch not leaving his gaze on both of you

Pd Nim:Now tell me how should we cover this up?


Pd Nim:We couldn't deny it easily now as if they'll believe us that you're not in a relationship, they already have proof and the pictures already spread. Are we going to confirmed it now in public so there would be no more problem?

He stated as you got taken aback

Y/n:Pd Nim..we have nothing to confirmed about, this was all a misunderstanding. The problem is, they make big issues about everything even if they wasn't sure about

Pd Nim:What are you saying? You both aren't dating?

He surprisingly blurted out

JHope:I wish we are..

He mumbled to his side, you heard it but chose to act like didn't. Your heart clenched by his words as you thought of something

Then why did you left me?

Y/n:We aren't, yesterday..Hob--Mr. Jung came to my hotel to pick me up and things started to get messy there

You stated, starting to explain what happened until the part where you got off the taxi as you tripped. Clearly, he understand it

Pd Nim:So..that's all? Nothing more?

He asked as you nod your head

Y/n:I just work with you here and trying to get my job professionally, also, it would be nice if the boys would stop picking nor dropping me off of the hotel. It'll just make the situation worse if we got spotted again

You stated formally as you leaned back, crossing your arms

Hoseok:But...people are waiting for us to clear what's happening. Like you hyung said, people wouldn't believe us easily even if we deny it as there were proofs that got out but all of it was just a misunderstanding

He sighed before continuing

JHope:It's either we deny it again and again or--

Y/n:Or what? Lie to them? Say to them that we're really in a relationship? Can't we just explain to them what really is happening??

You exclaimed trying to hold yourself from anger as you gritted teeth

JHope:Like we said they won't believe us that easily and by the time we kept denying it, it'll just make everything worse and in mess. It's hard Y/n but we can pass through this if you just cooperate

He stated softly, placing his hand on your shoulder as you sighed moving his hand away while calming your temper

Pd Nim:Hoseok has a point, Y/n..think about it

JHope:All you have to do is pretend till...the contract is finished which is only...few weeks away

He stated avoiding your gaze, a hint of sadness was visible on his voice as he sighed

He was right, just few more weeks and my job here is done. I'll just wait till the day the contract ended and everything will go back to normal again...yeah

You thought on yourself, on the other hand neither one of the boys didn't want you to leave, they've made such a mistake to let you go before and now they don't want that to happen again

Their life was in mess after..after what happened years ago, what they know was only you who can fix them, each and everyone of them

They wanted to let you go at the same time can't, they knew they can't be with you without hurting anyone but they love you and now that you're back..some of them wouldn't think twice to turn their backs on anything just to be with you

There was just something stopping the others to be with you...specially Namjoon who has a big responsibility to stand on

You've made yourself part of their life even just for a short amount of time, you've made them crazy...crazingly in love with you

Y/n:Fine..let's do it

You sighed closing your eyes. Meanwhile, Hoseok was there..smiling on himself on the thought of he could be with you even just for some time, he finally has a way to express how he feels towards you even if this was just unexpected for him too

Pd Nim:But you two have to ready yourself...specially you Y/n, there's a huge possibility that sasaengs would attack you in no time and many unkown people will be watching you. Your every move, they'll be watching every inch of it

You heard him said as you tensed up. You felt a hand caressed yours, looking at your side..somehow you calmed a bit as you made in contact with him

Hoseok:It's okay..I won't let anything happen to you. You're my responsibility and as long as you trust me, you're safe

He stated softly, you were unsure of what to feel. Yes, you feel secure by his words but also pain was taking over you hearing him said that you should trust him, you've done it before but what he did was only to disappoint you, what they all did

Pd Nim:Alright then, we'll public it tomorrow. You can go now, Hoseok stay here, I have something to discuss with you

You stood up bowing at the two of them before exiting the room. Half way closing the door, you accidentally heard something from them making you stop

"So..How's Namjoon?"


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