C8: I saw Her

423 17 0




December 10, 2021

"Y/n, for today I'll just arrange my meeting with YG entertainment. Then, day after day we'll discuss about the designs they want. You might come with me so in the future you'll know what to do in case you'll get assigned to become the design planner of a company or entertainment in the future"

He stated from the bathroom, in front of a mirror while fixing his tie

Y/n:Can I stay here?

Caleb:Actually, forget the part I said "You might come with me" let's replace that with "come with me"

He said, walking out of the bathroom before winking at me.

I sighed before going to the bathroom and closed the door behind me.


YG Entertainment: Meeting Room

"Ah yes Mr. Hwang, CEO of YG entertainment. Nice to meet you, I'm Caleb CEO of Xiorn designer company"

He stated while shaking Mr. Hwang's hand

Mr. Hwang:Nice to meet you Mr. Dalton. And..

He trailed of looking at me with a nice and polite look


Caleb:Oh excuse me, Mr. Hwang this is Y/n my girlfriend. She's the executive director and the future heir of 'Infinity', one of the most famous and success company in America

Mr. Hwang:Oh really? Have a seat. Please to meet you Ms. Y/n. If I'm not mistaken, your family owned the Pentagram on London which is the world's largest owned design studio, am I right?

Y/n:Ah yes, my grandparents are now the one who's currently holding it.

Mr. Hwang:Excellent...and beautiful, great pick Mr. Dalton

Caleb:Oh thank y--

I secretly stamp my heel to Caleb's foot causing him to shut his mouth and slightly twist in pain.

Mr. Hwang:Mr. Dalton are you alright?


Y/n:Yes he's alright

I smiled at him


Mr. Hwang:Now, Let's start the meeting?


After the meeting ended Mr. Hwang offered to buy us lunch and good timing!


But I think Caleb got a crack on his head that he refused and SAID WE'RE GOING ON A DATE!

What a liar, I wonder how and what girls saw to be fallen in love to him

Am I just blind or what?


"Yah! Why are you taking so long?! It's getting dark and I'M SO HUNGRY! Hurry up we're just eating outside no need to look too good!"

Caleb:A-a-ah! Correction..we are going on a DATE, not just eating outside

I grinned before grabbing his coat he placed earlier on the bed

He was wearing a white turtle neck longsleeve that matched with his black tight pants

Caleb:I know, I'm handsome. Now, aren't you going to change your clothes? It's getting late

Protecting My Seven Anpanman: The Sequel✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant