C19: Little Information from you

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<2 Days later>

I've already finished several sketches. Designs that I owned, it has unique style, highly cost as I decided to use expensive and limited edition materials

I and my assistant are now heading to BangPd's office to pick what the boys are going to wear

I have a headache this morning but I already took a medicine and it helped me to lessen the pain, for now.

I knocked on the door softly before I heard a faint voice saying me to come in

I entered the office and stopped for a sec seeing..

The boys, sitting on the couch discussing something seriously

'I think they're having a meeting'

"Uhm..I'm sorry, I'll just come back later"

I bowed and was about to turn around when someone called out

Namjoon:It's okay, we've already finished what we were doing anyway..

He stated silently as I turn around but he immediately move his gaze away from me when our eyes landed on each other

PdNim:Come in, what is it?

"O-oh..I just..I already finished sketching the outfits the boys are going to wear next week for the award shows, some photoshoots and specially for the magazine. I made several of it so you'll have many choices, also..tomorrow, after choosing the designs, we'll get the boy's measurement. I and my assistant will immediately buy the materials after then for the other day, we'll bring it to the dress makers you hired and wait till it's done"

I stated walking to the CEO with my sketch book

PdNim:Well done Ms. Smith, now let us see the designs and perfect, the boys are already here. Let's sit over there

He led me to the couch where the boys are sitting. I sat on the couch across them while my assistant stood beside me and began explaining my designs


I was halfway explaining my designs when my head ached at the same time I heard a long faint beep sound in my head

Droplets of swear started to form on my forehead as I stuttered


Jin:Yah..Are you okay?

Taehyung:Y/n-ssi you looked so pale, are you okay??

They began to ask questions worriedly as I began to breath heavily

"I..excuse me, JungSoo can you continue?"

I asked him as I got up from my seat trying not to stumble, I'm so dizzy right now

JungSoo:Ne, but let me help you to your office first

He insisted as he held me for support

Namjoon:I'll take her

Yoongi:No, stay here. You're the leader, you need to be here

"A-ani, I can go on my own. You all need to be here..I..I'm sorry, excuse me"

I excused myself as I made my way out to my office


I sat on my chair as I took out my cup. I stood up and lean on the table for support before walking to the dispenser to get some warm water

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