C57: The Truth

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"Great job everyone thank you for your hard work!" Mr. Hwang exclaimed as they bowed at him. He was so happy that he wanted to treat everyone for dinner. When he said everyone, he means BTS, Blackpink, PD Nim and you only along with the photographer.

But you weren't into it. As of this moment, you wanted to be alone so you denied saying that you're already tired. You're not lying, you really are even if you're just sitting on your chair letting the staffs do their work..you couldn't help but to feel stressed all day

It's affecting your mental health, you know it. You tried to ignore and shove away the pain you were feeling just to understand others. You wanted to help them but mistakenly hurting them as you yourself aren't as fine as they think

You couldn't deny but your depression and anxiety was coming back. You wanted to fix everything just like you've planned before you left but only messed up. You don't know what to do anymore, Jimin is somehow mad at you as that's what you think, you aren't good terms with the two members of Blackpink, you're hurting Hoseok and lying on the outside world about your relationship with him.

You could feel your body feeling weak by the commotion all day, you already took your pills but you weren't feeling any difference


You left the elevator with hands slightly trembling, you stopped feeling a sudden head ache struck on you

"Hey you okay?" A voice called out, it was SungHyun. You nod but only to stumble a bit feeling a sudden rush of dizziness on you

What is happening to me?

SungHyun:You sure? Can you drive to your hotel? No, you don't look good. Let me--

??:Let me..take her back to the hotel

Your eyes widen at the familiar voice as your mouth gaped open seeing the tall man in front of you



It was Yoonjin. As soon as he heard the news, he finished his work and canceled his appointments before rushing to Korea taking the last flight last night

Yoonjin:Let's go

He grabbed your arm, you immediately tried to get away from his grip

SungHyun:Ya you couldn't just take her without having her consent even if she's your cousin

He butted in as he's getting worried for you. Even if he's surprised by the sudden show up of your cousin, he wanted to help you out first. He noticed how ypur expression changes into a sudden hatred

Yoonjin:Don't tell me what to do

He growled to SungHyun, slightly loosening his grip on you. You took the opportunity to pull your arms back and slap him really hard taking everyone's attention.There aren't much staff going around the area as everyone had gone to their house already, but you really got the attention of the remaining workers even the front desk lady

Yoonjin:The heck?

You just smirked at him satisfied on what you did, but not too much

Too bad your face is still in there

You scoffed in your mind, as you said earlier if he ever show up. You will slap his face off from his head.

Yoonjin's jaw tightened as he grabbed your wrist tightly

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