C53: Sinner

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I sighed, for a million' time now. Scenes from earlier with Taehyung and Hoseok kept flashing in my head

I felt joy but also guilty at the same time. The longer I'm here, the more I hurt them

I could feel the pain Hoseok was enduring by the time he kissed me. I couldn't say I love him back, I just can't

There's still lot of things going around my head and couldn't even focus on one thing

I admit, I'm still stressing myself out. If only I have a vacation atleast for a month, I just want some peace and time for a break

I want to clear up my mind. I still have to look out for my health, and that's the other thing I have to think of. I don't want to end up having a cancer, I don't want to die in such a young age

Such a waste for my beauty

I want to take my final rest after having a lot of adventure in life. At last before I close my eyes, I want a smile plastered on my face...all happy and peaceful

What am I even thinking? I'm already planning my death?

I scoffed plopping on my bed. Some of the boys already left earlier, and it's already lunch time

And yes, I'm still here at their house. I was about to leave earlier but the boys insisted me to stay at least for today

As a favor also, I have no choice but to agree. This is nothing compared on what they did, they saved me from Caleb

Well atleast that's what I thought. Can I bare to stay the whole day here?

I stood up, tying my hair inyo a ponytail as I stepped out of my room. I went downstairs, passing by the living room where I saw Jimin watching TV


He called out as soon as he saw me, but I pretend that I didn't heard him and just continue to walk

I entered the kitchen and as expected, Jin was there cooking something

I walked to the sink, washing my hands as I walked to him after I grabbed an apron

He must've noticed my presence as he turned to me. I could see him smile in the corner of my eye as I busied myself wearing the apron

Y/n:What can I help here?

I asked him while looking at the ingredients

Jin:If you insist, can you cut the onions?

Y/n:Piece of cake

I shrugged before grabbing a knife along with the chopping board and of course..onions


"Lunch is ready"

Jin smiled as he lift up the lid of the pot, smelling the aroma of the food

Y/n:I'll set the table

I smiled a bit, taking off my apron as I got few plates on the cabinet

I set the table as Jimin tried to help me. I could see how desperate he wanted to talk to me but I'm still disappointed about what happened earlier

Jin entered the kitchen, with a bowl of soup

Jin:There's another bowl there, can you get it Jimin?

Y/n:I'll go get it

I insisted before walking towards the kitchen with Jimin following behind

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