A Fae's Demon

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"Who the FUCK do you think you're talking too, human?" Nobara moved closer, getting into the woman's face. Said human just whimpered, looking at the demon in all but flesh with tear filled eyes, blood dripping down her chin due to her spilt lip. "Do you wanna fucking DIE?"

"Nobara." Yuuji called out, a look of amusement on his handsome face.

The eye patched Witch clicked her tongue before letting go, flickering back to her previous position.

With a chuckle, Yuuji walked over to stand before the woman. "I apologize for Nobara." He procured a handkerchief out of thin air and proceeded in cleaning her split lips. "I would have gladly allowed her to kill you-"

The woman whimpered in fear, her tensed body going tighter with fear.

"-but unfortunately, that will have to wait." He sighed out.

"Pl- please my- my Lord." The woman stuttered out. "I have no inkling of what I might have done to have offended your Lordship. Ple- please forgive this- this lower servant." She sobbed out, tears starting to stream down her face.

"Shu~" Yuuji cooed out, using a clean area of the handkerchief to wipe her tears away. "Dear child, no need to cry. Yet. You'll find out what your crimes are soon enough."

As if on cue, heavy footsteps could be heard coming their way.

"Ara~ Speak of the devil and he shall appear." Yuuji chuckled out, dispelling the bloody handkerchief.

The large doors were opened and in came in Ryoumen Sukuna, the King of the Demons. The Supernatural was dressed in an expensive three piece suit, his jacket thrown over his broad shoulders. He stood at almost three meters, towering over everything and everyone.

Walking few feets away from him were his right hands, Uraume and Getou, who both had calm and serene expressions on their faces.

"Sukuna." Yuuji met his lover halfway and hovered I the air, taking the Demon King by surprise. Said Demon King quickly placed his large hand on Yuuji's waist, drawing the Fae closer and deepening their kiss.

"Why, hello there, Lover." The tattooed Demon greeted with a grin.

"Y- YOU!

The yell of their human guest made the two to seperate and turn their heads and attention to her. She was staring at Sukuna with shock, her eyes wide with realization.

"Oh ho~ If it isn't the mortal who tried so hard in seducing me." Sukuna smirked in amusement. He took in her bound position and the blood on her face.

Oh. Shit.

"So, you two remember each other, then?" Yuuji said with such a cheery tone that Sukuna's smirk faltered and he stared at his lover with a nervous smile. Said lover was looking at him with eyes that promised Sukuna's untimely demise.

"I rejected her advances,  of course." Sukuna hurriedly added. "But she was one persky human who keep rubbing herself on me, half drunk and horny."

"Hmm. I see." Yuuji landed on his feet and turned his neck to look at the human behind him. "So, the fault was all yours."

"I- I'm so sorry, my Lord!" The woman yelled out, tears of fear dripping down her face. "I never knew he was yours! Please forgive-"

With a flick of his fingers, Yuuji made the pleading meat sack yo explode, making her flesh splatter everywhere and shower half of the room with gore and blood.

Nobara hurriedly raised up a shield that protected her from the gore and Megumi hurriedly flickered to stand behind her, escaping the flying debris of a pig. The dark haired Werewolf just heaved a sigh while Nobara cackled in dark glee.

Uraume and Getou didn't move a muscle, yet the gore didn't touch them. The gore met an invisible wall and Yuuji and his lover weren't him.

Sukuna whistled, staring down at the smaller entity with an amused smile. "Still as possessive as ever, my Love."

Yuuji hummed. He motioned for Sukuna to bend down and the Demon did so with a smirk. He reached up and stood on his toes and placed a finger under Sukuna's chin, his warm breathe fanning the Demon's grinning lips.

Whilst looking into the upper set of Sukuna's eyes, he said with a husky voice, "If you ever come home smelling like a tramp the way you did last night, I'll MURDER you, my Dear~" He gave the Demon a bright smile.

Sukuna's facial expression took a sinister look and his four eyes shone bright with power and amusement. "I'll hold you to that, Brat."

My Jujutsu Kaisen Headcanons and Short PornsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu