Part 29 - Summer 2018 : Week 1-3 😷

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Zayn remaining frozen in his place.

"You ok babe?" Theo asked.

"Y-yes sorry... just weird having him back." Zayn said carefully. "Like he's away so much recently that when he's back I sort of just have to watch him with her and take it in. He's a such a good dad."

"He is, but so are you."

"I have to be, I'm all she has whilst he's away."

"Maybe... but she has me now too." Theo assured , grabbing hold of his hand.
"I'm not going anywhere."

"I know you aren't babe." Zayn smiled , placing a gentle kiss against his lips. "Thankyou for helping through the past year."

"I love you."

And shit , Zayn couldn't help but allow his heart to quite literally fall out of his arse. He wasn't ready! He didn't love Theo! Sure he cared about him, he cared about him a lot... but he was no where near ready to say I love you! Not when his heart still fluttered at the tiniest little thing Harry did!

"I-I shit Theo." He choked out.

"Don't freak out! Zayn please don't freak out on me!" The older lad panicked.

"T-Theo you can't- I can't say it back." Zayn whimpered in response.

"And it's ok! Just please I'm sorry don't freak out it's nothing!"

"No it's not nothing! It's been a year and I still can't say I love you! Anyone else would leave-"

"I'm not just anyone else! I understand Zayn. You was so in love with Harry when I met you! You only just started moving on when we had our first date. It took you five months to be official with me! Six to have sex with me, god Zayn! I'm not leaving ok? Please don't think I'd ever leave just because you aren't ready." Theo soothed.

"I've known that since the moment I met you T. I just- I don't want you to think it's because I want him because I don't. I want you, you're all I ever want. God I want to fall in love with you slowly just so I can enjoy every single second. I'll get there I promise just- keep loving me until then."

"I promise you."

Zayn sighed in relief, leaning forwards to press his lips firmly against the other lads. Both of them moving in sync as they tried their best to pour all of the emotions they felt into that one kiss. Things worked well between them, Zayn felt secure and safe... but sometimes he couldn't help but feel a little too safe. He had never been one to chose the easy way out, he liked passion and adventure. Sometimes he even liked a little danger. So right now, the only doubt he had was whether or not he was settling.


"Do you think any paps will figure out where we are?" Lennon quizzed pushing Daislee gently on the baby swings.

"I don't think so... I mean we're in a Wales holiday park, who the hell would suspect a singer and model to be here?" Harry shrugged.

"Yeah but if a fan sees us H, they're more than likely to release our location."

"True, but so far only elderly people have been around us so for now, I think we're ok."

"Just want to keep this little one out of it all... and Z, he doesn't deserve the shit he's been getting babe." Lennon reasoned.

"It's hard I know, but people will be people honey. We have to let them say what they want to say, we know the truth. That's all that matters."

"They're calling him a liar H, that Daislee's not yours , it must be awful for him! I couldn't bare it if everyone talked about my best friend like that."

Summer Secrets (Zarry Mpreg)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ