41. The Trouble with Tequila

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The rumours had been true. The next morning a press conference had been held. Franklin Brooke had announced his team's entry into F1 for the following season, with Swedish driver Marcus Ericsson and Canadian multiple Indy Car Champion Scott McDevitt.

They would be known as Brooke Renault and would be working from a UK base. In fact, the team would be based in Buckingham which wasn't at all far from Silverstone. Young Australian Oscar Piastri, who was leading the Formula 2 championship, would be the reserve/development driver.

They were yet to appoint the Team Principal and CEO, as Franklin was expected to stay with the Indy car side of the operation.

Seb was pleased there would be a new team. It would be great to see what such a successful brand could do in the Formula 1 world. It would also be good to see Marcus racing in Formula 1 again. He'd never met Scott McDevitt but everyone knew who he was.

After hearing the announcent the Aston Martin Team set off for  Mexico.  Emily had travelled down with Joel and the others as Seb was flying down later in the day on Kimi's private jet. He'd asked her to fly with him but she didn't want to keep abandoning her friends just because she was dating Seb.

All any of them spoke about on the way down was Brooke Racing.

"Ericsson and McDevitt, that's a pretty interesting line-up," Harry said.

"Pretty tasty one if you ask me," laughed Kara, earning herself a dirty look from Harry.

"Brooke have always been successful whatever they do but I'd be very surprised if they were in the mix  in their first season," added Joel. "Although with McDevitt, things will certainly be spicy. He's a proper racer."

"He'll certainly ruffle a few feathers," agreed Emily.

The flight went smoothly and they were checking into their hotel by early evening.  Emily decided to have a nap whilst waiting for Seb to arrive. He was due in a couple of hours later.

She'd only meant to have a short sleep but she underestimated how tired she was and when she woke it was dark and Seb was snuggled up to her fast asleep.

She smiled and cuddled up to him.  She was so happy. Things were just perfect. 


They were celebrating tonight. Aston Martin had only gone and got their first double podium finish. Seb had finished second, and Lance third.   And the team were over the moon to see their former driver, Checo Perez, win his home grand prix.

A few hours into the revelry they'd started on the tequila shots.  Nobody could remember who'd started it but Emily was sure Joel had something to do with it. She bent over the toilet bowl, emptying her stomach, her head spinning. Tequila was not her friend.

"Emily, are you ok?" Demi called through the locked cubicle door.

"Too much Tequila. I feel rough as shit Demi."  Demi laughed. She was very drunk herself,  but was yet to reach that stage.

Emily flushed the toilet and exited the cubicle. She washed her hands and splashed water on her face.

"Your fella has had quite a bit too. When I came in here he was dancing with Checo and Hulk."

"I didn't know they were here."

"Yeah, a group of drivers turned up about half an hour ago. Checo, Hulk, Danny Ric, the Ferrari boys."

"I don't know how much more I can handle.  This Tequila is killing me."

Demi looked at her, concerned.

The Fire Inside (Sebastian Vettel)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें