14. A Little Bit of a Tease

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Emily woke up to see Seb's face grinning down at her. He was laid next to her, his head propped up on his hand.

"Good morning beautiful. Did you sleep well?"

"Like a log," she answered. "Shit, what time is it? Weren't you meant to be leaving early?"

He reached out his free hand and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"It's still early. It's only 6 o'clock. I didn't want to leave while you were still sleeping. I wanted to kiss you goodbye."

He leant over and gently kissed her, before climbing out of the bed. He pulled his jeans back on and went to look out of the window. He turned back to face Emily.

"Looks like another beautiful day out there." She gulped and reminded herself that they were taking things slowly. He looked so irresistible stood there, his jeans hanging open.

"Stop undressing me with your eyes Emily or I won't be leaving at all and you will be begging me to take you." Emily looked away, laughing nervously. "I'm not going to see you until Baku unfortunately. I have the kids while Carla is having a getaway with her new man."

"That's OK Seb. Your kids come first. I bet you're looking forward to spending some time with them."

"Yes, I am. They're amazing. Here this is them," he said, showing her a picture of two small blonde girls.

"Seb, they're beautiful. How old are they now?"

"Leah is 7 and Klara is 5, nearly 6."

"Karla looks a lot like you."

"Yeah she does. Leah is the spitting image of her mother, but luckily doesn't have the personality. No, I shouldn't say things like that. She's still their mother. And she is a very good mother. Just not so good a wife," he said.

"She really hurt you,didn't she?"

"We grew apart over the last few years. What hurt me is that I thought it was going to be forever. It's not losing her that hurt the most, it's losing the family I had. It's made me realise that love can't be trusted. It only ends up hurting. I don't love her anymore. I'm happy she's happy. Peter is good to the girls, that's all I care about. Anyway come here and let me kiss you properly."

She shuffled a bit closer and he took her mouth in a deep, passionate kiss. Finally pulling away he winked at her.

"See you in Baku beautiful," he said, and then he opened the door and left.


The time between Monaco and Baku dragged. Seb had texted Emily a few times. One night he decided to facetime her once the girls were in bed. She looked adorable wrapped up in her dressing gown. He wondered if she had anything on underneath it and kept hoping it would gape open. They talked about their day.

"I took the girls to the zoo today. Only got recognised once so the cap and sunglasses worked," he laughed. "You been up to much?"

"Went over to Mandy's with my friend Holly, her boyfriend, Joel and Harry. Had lunch, then went bowling. Lost terribly. Then came home. I've just been bingewatching Grey's Anatomy tonight. I'm glad you called."

"I was missing you. I wanted to see you. And now I can't help wondering. Are you wearing anything underneath that robe?"

Emily burst out laughing. She was feeling brave so she slid it off her shoulders. She angled the camera so that he couldn't see her breasts but made it obvious that she was wearing nothing. Seb was instantly aroused by the sight of her bare shoulders.

"Damn Emily. You sure know how to tease me, don't you?" he growled. "Well, two can play that game."

He pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his super fit body. Emily gulped. "You don't have to undress me with your eyes any more."

It was at that moment he heard one of the girls coming down the stairs.

"Kid alert, got to go," he said, disconnecting the call and pulling his shirt back on quickly.

Emily laughed at the panic she had seen on Seb's face. She really was missing him. But it wouldn't be long and they would be in Baku again. Just four more days. She was off for the weekend, then back at the factory for a meeting on Monday. They were flying out Tuesday, although Seb wouldn't be there until Wednesday. She hoped they could spend a bit more time together. Things shouldn't be so hectic for Seb as Monaco was always busy, and she wouldn't be so knackered with Connor being back.

She thought again about taking the next step with Seb. She still didn't know if she was ready for that but she was definitely getting closer to being ready. She decided to go to bed as it was nearly eleven o'clock and she was tired.

She'd just snuggled down under the covers when her phone rang. Seb was facetiming her again. She switched the lamp on and answered. He was now in bed himself. He'd removed his shirt again.

"Hey, kids OK?"

"Yeah, Leah just wanted some water. Now, where were we?"

"Too late now, I've got my pyjamas on."

"Please,"he begged. "Just a bit of shoulder." She laughed. She felt like teasing him. She put her phone down for a second and removed her top. Then she picked the phone back up again. Then to Seb's astonishment she moved her phone down, giving him a brief glimpse of her cleavage. She laughed at his expression.

"You'll have to wait for the rest," she told him.

Seb was instantly aroused when he saw the creamy white skin of her cleavage. He couldn't wait to see her again. She would pay for this teasing.

They chatted for half an hour or so before Emily had to go. She could barely keep her eyes open.

"Night beautiful, see you in Baku," he said.

"Night Seb," she replied, putting her phone down. She fell asleep instantly.


Seb couldn't sleep. He couldn't stop thinking about Emily. He had never wanted her so much as he did now. She really didnt know the power she held over him. He tried to think of something else but his cock seemed to have a mind of its own.

"For fuck's sake," he muttered as he tried to sleep. It was a very long night.

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