23. The Friendzone

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Emily popped the two painkillers in her mouth, took a swig of water and swallowed.

"Someone's feeling delicate," Kara said, a big grin on her face.

"I'm never drinking again," groaned Emily. "I don't even remember getting back here. Where's Demi?"

"No idea. Last seen doing a track walk with Joel and Lance." Emily groaned and dragged herself out of bed, heading for the bathroom. She splashed some water on her face. She glanced up at the mirror. Christ, she looked rough. Then she noticed the mark on her neck.

"Kara!!" she shouted. Kara appeared at the door. "What the fuck did I do? I have a hickey! Oh my God, who did I make out with?" Kara laughed.

"I never saw."


"But you were brought home by a certain German driver. So I can hazard a guess." Emily groaned. No, why was she so stupid? Why would she go and complicate things with Seb again? "Do you not remember anything?" Emily thought hard.

"I remember dancing with Seb, I think."

"Yes, you did."

"No, I really can't remember."

"Well you walked back from the golf club with me, Harry, Demi, Joel, Lance, Seb and Antti. Lance had the bright idea to do a track walk. Harry was shitfaced and I couldn't be bothered so we, and Antti, came back to the hotel. The rest of you carried on. Antti helped me sort Harry out, took a while, he was sick as anything. Then I came back and Seb was sat on the edge of the bed stroking your hair. It was really cute actually. He left soon after."

"Shit, I'm supposed to be meeting Charles at noon. There's no way I can drive. I'm still going to be over the limit. I'm going to have to cancel."

"Well, you're going to have to hang around here for a bit, we need to be out of here by eleven."

Emily walked back into the bedroom. She found her clutch bag and fished her phone out. It was low on battery so she plugged it in, borrowing Kara's charger. She had a couple of messages waiting.

Charles: looking forward to lunch. See you later 😘

Demi: Fuck, just woke up. Lance,Joel and I slept in a grandstand somewhere. Did you get back OK? X

Seb: Hope your head doesn't hurt too much this morning beautiful. We need to talk x

She sighed. It was him, wasn't it? Now he wanted to talk. How could she talk about something she didn't remember? Things hadn't changed. She knew she and Seb could never be a thing. A drunken snog didn't make everything right.

She tapped out replies to the messages, starting with Demi.

Emily: Haha, that's hilarious. Are they awake? Epic end to the night. Yeah, got back fine thanks. I'll see you when you make it back. X

Then up next was Charles.

Emily: Hey Charles. I'm really sorry. I'm gonna have to take a rain check. Had far too much to drink last night. So hungover and no way I can drive. Sorry X

Now what to say to Seb?

Emily: My head is bad! Serves me right I guess. I hear you made sure I got back safe. Thank you for that. I literally don't remember anything after leaving the party. Lots of coffee needed. Thanks again. You're a good friend X

Emily regretted it as soon as she'd sent it. She'd totally friendzoned him. She hadn't meant to be that blunt but she was panicking. What had actually happened?

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