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Surely this was all just a bad dream. He had loved her, she knew he had. This was all a bad dream. She was going to wake up and find out that it was all a bad dream. She closed her eyes. She didn't know how long she had laid there when she opened them. She pulled her dress back up over her breasts. The door knocked. He'd come back!

She rushed to the door, yanking it open. But it wasn't Seb. It was Joel.

"I thought I'd better knock in case you and Seb were getting it on."

"He's gone."


"He doesn't want me any more. It's over."

"I dont understand. He loves you!"

"No, he doesn't. He admitted he only used me."

"I will fucking kill him!"

"Please no Joel. Its not worth it." she begged.

Joel sat on the bed, fuming.

"He did love you Ems. He was destroyed when you left. He's probably regretting saying that now. Go after him. Don't throw this away."

"I dont know where to find him. I don't know his room number."

Joel took his phone out and called Antti.

After a short conversation he hung up.

"912. Now go. You can save this Emily."

Emily slipped her shoes on and ran out into the corridor. She pressed the button for the elevator. Finally, after what seemed like an hour, the elevator arrived. She got in and pressed the button for the ninth floor.

She got out of the elevator and made her way down the corridor, quickly finding the right door. She tapped on it.


Seb held back his tears as he stormed his way back to his room. He hadn't gone there to fuck Emily but once he'd seen her he'd had to have her one last time. After he'd finished he'd had to get away. He refused to love her any more. He'd loved Carla and he'd been hurt. He'd loved Emily and been hurt. He had to stop loving her. He had lied to her face telling her he didn't. Then to make sure she got the message he'd lied again and told her he had been using her like Charles had said. He'd never forget that look on her face.

Shutting himself in his room he started crying. He had to protect himself. If she'd hurt him now, then she'd do it again. He started throwing his stuff into his case. He picked up his phone.

"Britta," he barked. "Get me on the first flight out of here." He hung up before she could reply. Ten minutes later she rang back informing him that his flight was in 2 hours time. He thanked her and hung up. He took one last look around the room before leaving, dragging his case behind him. He'd left one case, Antti and or Britta would deal with that. He had everything he needed for now. He rode the elevator down and left the key card for Britta to get the rest of his stuff. Then he headed outside and hailed a taxi.

"Airport please." he said


There was no answer.

"Seb please. We need to talk. I love you. Please," she begged. No answer. She knocked again.

"What we had was real. I'm sorry I messed up, but I do love you, and I know you love me."

"He's gone Emily," said Britta, appearing behind her. " I booked his flight. He'll be boarding now."

Emily sunk to her knees and started sobbing. Britta knelt down besides her, putting her arm around the younger woman.

She didn't say anything. There was nothing she could say.


Seb stared out of the aeroplane window. The lights of Abu Dhabi disappeared into the distance, leaving behind the woman he loved. He'd learnt his lesson. He was never going to love again.

Perhaps it was him. Perhaps he was just destined to be alone. Emily, his girl in pink, she should have just stayed a fantasy. A fantasy never hurt like this. They were just two broken people who had broken each other even more.

He wiped the tears from his face. He had a break from her now. Months to get over her. Maybe she wouldn't even come back. From this moment on he wasn't going to love her. He wasn't going to love anyone besides his girls. They were the only ones that counted from this moment on.


Emily climbed into the back of Joel's car. She stared out of the window as he drove down the motorway, heading home. She had decisions to make. Her future to decide. She loved her job but didn't know how she was going to face seeing Seb all the time. She started sobbing. Harry looked round and stuck his hand through the gap between the seats. He rubbed her leg reassuringly.

Emily closed her eyes. She got over Chris. She could get over Seb. She was stronger than she'd ever thought. Her life wasn't over. It was only just beginning.

She just had to learn to live without him.

She went back to Joel's house with him. She would have to go home soon but she needed her brother right now.

They curled up on the sofa together. He stroked her hair.

"Be strong Ems. It's his loss. You can, and will find love again."

"I know I will. Maybe not as much as I loved him but I know there's someone out there for me. But that's for the future. Right this minute I just want to sleep. I hurt so much Joel"

"Sleep then sis. I'm here. Always have been, always will be."

So Emily fell asleep in the arms of the only man she could ever truly rely on.

Joel watched his sister sleep. She deserved so much better than this. He wasn't wrong, he knew Seb had loved her. So why was he saying he didn't?

He picked up his phone to call him but then put it down again. That bastard didn't deserve to give his side. Emily was the important thing. He was going to be here for her. Seb could go fuck himself.


Seb sat on his back porch looking at the stars. The moon shone brightly in the sky. He wondered if Emily was looking at the moon wherever she was. He missed her so much. He had to get over her. So he pushed all the good memories deep down inside the depths of hi mind. It was time to move on.

Emily had been his fantasy, she had for a short time been his reality. Now she was just a memory.


The Fire Inside (Sebastian Vettel)Where stories live. Discover now