19. Just Another Colleague

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Emily locked her front door behind her. It was going to be three weeks before she returned home again. It was the first triple header of the season. First up was the French Grand Prix at Paul Ricard, followed by two races at the Red Bull Ring in Austria.

She felt a bit more settled since she and Seb had talked. She still wanted him like crazy, she didn't think anything could change that, but she had made her decision, and she was sticking to it. She had to do what was best for her in the long run.

She was feeling nervous about seeing him again. He had looked so defeated when she'd last seen him. Joel pulled up outside in his cherry red Astra. He jumped out and helped her load her cases in the back.

"Alright sis?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm OK. You?"

"I'm OK, just worried about Seb, you know. How he'll act after I punched him."

"He's OK about it Joel. He understands."

"Did I overreact Ems?"

"A little bit, but you meant well. And I love you all the more for it."

"Is there really no chance that you're going to sort things out with him? Now I've had time to calm down and think about things logically I think he does regret it. He's a good man Emily."

She put her seat belt on and Joel started driving.

"He is, I know he is. But at this moment in time I just can't Joel. "

"I'm on your side Ems, whatever."

"Thanks Joel."


The sun was shining brightly as everyone arrived at the track for Media day. Seb was already sat in hospitality with Britta and Antti when she arrived. He looked up at her as she came through the door. He gave her a little smile, then carried on his conversation with Antti.

Also sat on the same table was an older man that Emily recognised as Seb's father Norbert. She'd seen him many a time on the television at races. There was also a younger man, probably in his early twenties, that Emily presumed was Seb's brother, Fabian.

She bought a coffee and headed back outside again. She decided to sit in the morning sunshine and drink it. She sat down at one of the tables. A few minutes later she heard someone calling her name. It was Charles.

"Hey Emily, how are you?" he asked, coming over to the table.

"I'm ok thanks Charles. How are you?"

"Yeah, I'm good thanks. I wanted to ask, did you sort things out with Seb?"

"Kind of. I mean we are talking again, but that's all. Whatver we had is over."

"I hope that isn't my fault. I didn't mean to step on his toes. I had no idea you two were a thing."

"Charles, we weren't really a thing. We were just....I don't know what we were to be honest with you. But don't blame yourself. It was never going to work."

"OK, so if you are free, would you like to go out Sunday night and have dinner? As friends of course."

"Charles, I would have loved to but we are packing up and leaving straight away after the race Sunday. We've got coaches transporting us to Austria. Maybe one night there?"

"Of course, may I have your number? I'll text you once I know my schedule."

"Of course." She took a pen out of her shirt pocket and scribbled her number on the napkin they had given here with her coffee. She handed it to him.

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