30. Downtime

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A/N Sorry this chapter was delayed. Meant to update earlier but got distracted by someone finishing second in Baku. So blame him haha. So hyped up. He was so amazing today. Got emotional. Well done Seb and AM 💚

Emily looked at the clock on the kitchen wall. Where was Joel? He was supposed to have been here half an hour ago. Typical of him, he'd be late to his own funeral. She grabbed an orange out of the fruit bowl on the table and began to peel it.

Her thoughts turned to Seb. She wondered what he was doing right now. It was a Friday so his daughters would be at school, so he'd probably be training with Antti. She felt a little flustered as she thought of him getting hot and sweaty.

She popped a segment of orange into her mouth and forced herself to think of something else. Where was Joel? They were meant to be picking up Harry and Kara in 30 minutes. They were going bowling and to Pizza Hut after.

The door bell rang. It wouldn't be Joel, he'd just walk in. She got up and headed to the door. She had a surprise. A young woman stood there, holding the biggest bouquet of red roses she had ever seen!

"Emily Ryan?" the woman asked. She nodded. The woman handed her the bouquet and returned to the van she had left running by the kerb. Emily pushed the door shut with her foot and headed into the kitchen. She laid the bouquet on the table and opened the envelope that was attached to it. She recognised the writing straight away. She'd seen it enough in debriefs when he'd been scribbling in his notebook.

My beautiful Emily,

I just wanted to send you something to show you how much I'm missing you. I'm respecting your need for space but knowing I am so near, yet so far away, is torture. I can't wait to see you again. I'm here until tomorrow if you change your mind.

Sebastian xx

Emily bit her bottom lip. He was here? She was desperate to see him. Her anger had quickly evaporated after returning home. She just couldn't stay mad at him. She really missed him. She filled a vase with water and put the flowers in it.

The front door opened and Joel came in, helping himself to a can of coke from the fridge.

"Sorry I'm late sis. I was just about to leave and I got talking to Jimbo next door. You know what he's like. Wow, that's one huge bunch of flowers. Whose garden have you been raiding?"

Emily laughed.

"Actually they were delivered not long ago."

"They must have cost a fortune. Would I be right in saying they're from a certain German racing driver?"

"They certainly were. He's over here until tomorrow. He wanted me to know hes missing me."

"He's a good guy Emily. When are you going to put him out of his misery and just say yes to him?"

"I'm getting there Joel. You know what happened before."

"He's not Chris."

'I know. Before I move on with him I'm going to have to tell him what happened though. And that's what's holding me back."

"It wasn't your fault. You didn't know Chris was married."

"I know. It just hurts to talk about it, even after all these years."

Joel put his arms around his sister and hugged her.

"Call him. Ask him if he wants to join us."

"You wouldn't mind?"

"Of course not. As long as he wears a disguise. Don't want to be mobbed haha."

Emily grabbed her phone and rang his number. He didn't answer, and before long it went to Voicemail. She felt disappointed. She tapped out a text to him.

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