13. The Magic of Monaco

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"Seb, Leclerc is pitting now. Now's the time mate. Pedal to the metal. Let's make this overcut work," Joe said over the team radio.

"Understood." Emily bit her bottom lip. Seb was so close to scoring his first points for the team. He had had a brilliant week so far. He'd been in the top ten for all three practice sessions. He'd qualified 7th on the grid.

He'd been stuck  in sixth behind his old Ferrari teammate since the start. The overcut was a risk but it was one worth taking Emily thought. Seb had agreed with her. If it worked he would move up to fifth.  He was certainly going for it.  He put in his two fastest laps of the race so far.

"OK Seb. Box, this lap. Repeat Box at the end of this lap," Emily said to him.

"Copy."  Seb did as he'd been instructed.  The team were perfect, sending him back out after a 2.2 second stop. He came out a good 2 seconds in front of Leclerc.

And that's where he stayed for the rest of the race. Crossing the line in fifth place he thanked the team over the radio, the joy evident in his voice.
"Good job Emily," said Otmar.
"You nailed that."

"I can't take all the credit. It was Seb as well. He was amazing today."

"That he was. He showed why he's a 4 time world champion.  See you in debrief."  Emily turned to Joe, they hugged each other in celebration.

"You should be doing this job all the time. Not Connor. You and Seb just have a chemistry that he and Connor don't. Of course that could be because you fancy the pants off of each other."

"Joe Bloxham, you must be joking!"

"You think I haven't seen the way you two keep looking at each other when you think no one's looking. I'm not dumb buttercup." 

" That's ridiculous!"  Joe laughed.

"Whatever you say buttercup."  Joe had this stupid grin on his face. Emily scowled to herself. They were going to have to be more careful. No more eyeing each other up.  Save that for behind closed doors.


Seb had been a man in demand after the race. His first points for the team and he was voted driver of the day by the viewers. Emily hadn't been able to catch him alone at all and had forced herself to not look at him too much in front of everyone, especially Joe.

She headed back to the hotel after the debrief. The team were meeting up tonight for a celebratory drink. She wasn't sure whether she was going to go or not. She was feeling extremely tired. She hadn't slept much over the race weekend. She'd been analysing the data over and over. She'd wanted to be totally prepared.

She hadn't spent any time alone with Seb since Tuesday evening. They'd ordered dinner, shared a few kisses and cuddles before she'd headed back to her her room.  Being Monaco it had been non stop work since then for Seb. She lay down on the bed and closed her eyes.  Just 10 minutes sleep wouldn't hurt.


Joel looked around the bar. He couldn't see Emily anywhere. He knew she had said she might give it a miss but he hadn't believed her.

A big cheer went up as Seb entered the bar with Antti and Britta.  Joel shrugged and took a swig out of his pint. Her loss. Tonight was going to be epic. 

Seb looked around the room. He spotted almost everyone from his crew, apart from the one he most wanted to see. Where was Emily? The 5th place was as much down to her as it was to him. She should be celebrating too. He quickly texted her.

Seb: where are you beautiful? We did great today. You should be here with us celebrating x

He sent it but started to get a little concerned when half an hour passed by with no response.  He decided he was going to ask Joel where she was.

He found him out on the terrace drinking with Harry and Kara. He pulled him to one side.

"Where's Emily? Is she OK? Thought she'd be here."

"She said earlier she might not come. She's absolutely knackered Seb. She's been burning the candle at both ends. She's probably asleep."

"Oh OK, I just wanted to buy her a drink to thank her for her hard work."  Joel noticed the look of disappointment on Seb's face and took pity on him. The guy obviously had it bad for Emily.

"Her room's 308 if you want to check on her," he said, with a wink. Seb grinned.

"Thanks Joel."  He went back inside, said goodnight to Britta and Antti, before heading up to find Emily's room.


Emily woke to the sound of someone knocking on her door. She looked at the time on her phone and was shocked to see it was gone ten o'clock. It was probably Joel coming to drag down to the bar.

She hauled herself out of bed and opened the door.  She was shocked to see it was Seb stood there.  He smiled as he took in her sleepy appearance.

"Emily, you look adorable when you're sleepy."

"Hmmm," was all that came out of her mouth.

"Aren't you going to ask me in?"

She held the door wider open and he entered her room.

"I'm sorry Seb, I totally crashed out."

"It's OK baby. I just thought I'd check you were OK as you hadn't answered my text."

"Sorry, I didn't even hear my phone. Oh my, I haven't felt this tired in a long time." 

"Why don't you go and get yourself ready for bed? Then we can have a little cuddle." 

Emily nodded. She picked up her shortie pyjamas from under her pillow and headed into the bathroom. Seb slipped his shoes off. He lay down on her bed, looking at the ceiling.

"I wish you could do my strategy every weekend," he called out. 
"How Connor got the job....that's something I do not understand."

"No comment," came the answer.

"Everything went so well today. It felt good."

" That's great. I know it's been a slow start but we're getting there."  A few minutes later she emerged from the bathroom.

"Come here," Seb said, patting the bed next to him. Emily climbed on and he pulled her into his arms. She rested her head on his chest.
"I've been wanting to do this since Tuesday. I've missed you."

"You've seen me every day.'

"OK, I mean I've missed holding you."

"Yeah, me too," she said, before breaking into a big yawn.  Seb kissed her head.

"Go to sleep baby."

" I don't want to now you're here."

"I won't leave. I just want to hold you tonight if that's ok with you."
Emily thought about how lovely that sounded. But she didn't want anyone seeing him leave. Neither of them could do with the gossip that would arise. Seb sensed her hesitation.

"What's wrong?"

"I'd love you to stay but I don't want anyone to see you leave. Imagine the gossip."  He laughed.

"I'll go early. They won't be up.  Please Emily. I just want to hold you."  She couldn't resist him.


"Let me just get out of these jeans."  She let him up. She enjoyed watching as he undid his belt, and button.

"Keep looking at me like that and you won't be having any sleep," he warned. She blushed and diverted her eyes. He slipped under the covers and she snuggled up in his arms. She felt safe and secure there. He stroked up and down her back. It was so relaxing. Emily tried her best to stay awake but she was fighting a losing battle. Within five minutes she was fast asleep in his arms. 

Seb reached out a hand and turned off the lamp. Life felt so perfect right now. He'd finally got points, he was in a team that respected him, and he was laid with Emily asleep in his arms. He smiled to himself. Soon he succumbed to sleep too, his arms still holding Emily tight to him.

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