21. Shown The Door

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A/N. It's time for Silverstone. Just the normal format....no silly sprint qualifying races 🤣

Emily thought how nice it was to be able to travel to the track from her own home instead of from a hotel. It was Silverstone this week.

Media day was done and dusted. Today the cars would take to the track for free practice.

Seb had done his best to avoid her ever since their cross words in Austria. Even finishing 5th hadn't got them on speaking terms again.

Charles had messaged a couple of times and she'd agreed to have lunch with him on the Monday after the race. She was far too busy to see him before. She had once again been asked to fill in for Connor. She really didn't know why the man was still in the job. She was happy to do it, but on top of her own job it was all too much. And also it meant that she had no choice but to talk to Seb.

Charles had asked to take her out Sunday night but the team had arranged a big party. It was their home race and whatever the result, they planned on a big celebration of what they'd achieved so far.

Emily crossed the paddock and headed towards the garage. She was just about to enter when Otmar called her name. She turned to face him.

"Emily, please could you come to my office? I'd like a word." She followed him back towards the motorhome. What could this be about? She hoped she wasn't in trouble for anything. If it was because of the Charles pictures then she would tell him she couldn't see him again. Her job was far more important to her. Savage, but true.

In fact, she was almost certain that she was going to tell him on Monday that she couldn't see him again. Otmar opened the door to his office and waved her in first.

To her dismay she saw the big boss, Lawrence Stroll, was waiting in there for them. This looked official.

"Emily, take a seat," began Otmar.
She sat down nervously.

"OK, I'll let Lawrence speak."

"Hi Emily, no need to look so scared. I don't bite," Lawrence said. "Basically I wanted to talk to you about how you've been doing. We're very pleased with your work as data analyst but feel it's not the right job for you."

Her heart sank. They were going to let her go, weren't they?

"Hey, don't look sad. We've asked you here to offer you the job as Sebastian's strategist. We've parted company with Connor Blake. He has made consistently bad decisions and shows no enthusiam for the job at all. We've noticed all the good decisions were either from you when you were filling in, or from Sebastian himself. Of course, it would be on a trial basis to begin with to see how you get on, but I can't see that being a problem. You've always done great. Sakhir last year, Monaco this year. So what do you say?"

Emily was lost for words. Connor was gone. They wanted her! It was a dream come true. This is what she'd been working towards for years.

"Yes," she managed to get out. "Of course. Thank you so much Mr Stroll, thank you Otmar. I shall give everything to it."

Then a thought occurred to her.

"Does Sebastian know?" She wondered if he'd have a problem with it.

"Of course, he suggested you himself. We were already planning on offering it to you but when he brought your name up it confirmed our choice," said Otmar.

They spent a while discussing what would happen now. She had the rest of the season to prove herself. If she did, then she would sign a permanent contract.

One of her fellow data analysts, Niall, was to be appointed as her reserve strategist. Niall was a hard worker, and they got on well.

Finally, she made it back out to the pit wall. Joe gave her a knowing grin.

"You know, don't you?"she asked. He nodded.

"Welcome to the team officially Buttercup. Just in time to radio check with the man himself. Over to you."

She slipped her headset on.

"Sebastian, good morning. Can we do a radio check in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1."

"Good morning Connor, you sound very feminine today."

Emily burst out laughing.

"Seriously, congratulations Emily. You deserve it. Let's get this show on the road."


Everything was going brilliantly. Seb had been top 5 in all free practices and had put the car fifth on the grid for Sunday's race.

Heading towards the garage shortly before the race, Emily was surprised when Seb fell into step besides her. They'd already had their strategy meeting. She wondered what he wanted.

"Seb, did we forget something?"she asked.

"No, I just wanted to say I'm so glad you got the job. You deserve it Emily. Even though we're not on the best of terms lately I know I can trust you to do the job properly. I never could with Connor and I think this is going to make a difference."

"Thank you Seb. That means a lot." They stood there just looking at each other.

"I miss you!"she blurted out before she could stop herself. He smiled.

"Don't think Charles would be too pleased to hear you say that."

"I'm not with Charles Seb. It was a one off."

"So you're not seeing him again?"

"I am, but not like that. The kiss was a one-off. We are having lunch Monday, but I'm making it clear to him that I only want to be friends."

'Friend zoning him already? Can't say I'm sorry about that."

She punched him in the arm playfully.

"Is he a better kisser than me?"

"I don't kiss and tell." He leant closer and whispered in her ear.

"Does he turn you on like I do?"

"No. No-one ever has turned me on as much as you do."

She turned and walked off, leaving Seb stood there. He hadn't expected her to answer. He felt smug knowing that he did more for her than Charles, than any had ever done. And they hadn't even had sex! He was in such a positive frame of mind when he stepped into the car. He knew that it was going to be a good race. And it was!


Seb threw his head back, his mouth open, drinking the champagne that Lewis was pouring over him. It was his first podium for Aston Martin!

The whole team were gathered below, celebrating his third place finish. He saw her there, sitting on Joel's shoulders, the biggest smile ever on her face.

Take that Charles, he thought, thinking of the manoeuvre he'd pulled on the Ferrari driver 18 laps from the end.

He felt elated that he had done this. For himself, but mainly for the team. They'd worked so hard after the rough start to the season and we're finally getting what they deserved.

Tonight they were going to party and they were going to party hard!

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