34. Obstacles

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Emily sat nursing a cup of coffee. She felt absolutely shattered. She'd been unable to sleep the night before after Seb had answered her declaration of love. She'd only said it because she'd thought he wouldn't hear her. It was the truth but she wasn't ready to tell him yet. she was still coming to terms with her feelings herself. She didn't even know if his reply had been meant or just a reaction in his sleep.

He'd shown no signs that he'd heard her when they'd woken that morning. He'd been his normal affectionate self. Perhaps he didn't remember. He had been asleep! Or half asleep.

He'd had to leave early for a training session, and she hadn't seen him since arriving at the circuit.

Kara slumped down in the chair next to her. They were sat outside as the weather was nice.

"Enjoying some peace and quiet before the madness starts? It's going to be manic today. We've got something special lined up for Lance V Seb today. "

"Please elaborate. What are you going to do to my boyfriend?" Emily said.

"Well, he's got to pick a member of his crew to partner him. If he asks you say no. Don't let him convince you."


"Well you can say yes but it will end up messy. Basically it's a relay race with obstacles. And water. And possibly slime."

Emily burst out laughing.

"Do Seb and Lance know yet?" Kara shook her head.

" Not a clue. "

"I can't wait for this. What time? I'll see if I can get a break then so I can watch."

"About 4ish."

"Can't wait."


It was time for the track walk. Seb joined Emily, Joe, Antti and a few of the others. Seb subtly switched places with Antti so he was walking next to Emily.

"Hey," he said, grinning at her. She grinned back. He hadn't seen much of her this morning due to his training schedule, and he'd fallen asleep early the night before. He was going to have to make it up to her later.

He'd had an amazing dream last night. Emily had told him she loved him. It was all he wanted, her love. Maybe one day she would tell him that for real. He was hit by the sudden urge to take her hand. He knew this would raise a lot of eyebrows, and he knew that the paparazzi were about.

He moved slightly closer to her so their fingertips were brushing. She turned her head and looked at him questioningly. He winked at her and held his hand out.

Emily reached out and slid her hand into Seb's. He closed his fingers around her hand and they walked on.

Seb wondered how long it would take before someone noticed. It wasn't long. When they stopped at the next turn Joe looked at Seb to say something and immediately noticed.

"Jesus bloody Christ!" he exclaimed.

"Something the matter Joe?" Seb asked, innocently. Joe pointed at Seb and Emily's linked hands.

"Since when do you go holding hands with your strategist?"

"Since said strategist was better looking than my last one, and agreed to be my girlfriend," Seb answered.

"At last!! Buttercup, you finally admit you fancy him then?"

"Can't exactly deny it now can I?" Emily laughed.

"Wow, I don't know what to say. Oh believe me you're not going to hear the last of this but today, I have no words, besides congratulations guys. I'm really happy for you both."

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