40. The Texas Rumour Mill

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Seb and Emily rolled up in Austin on the Tuesaday evening hand in hand. They had had an amazing break together down in Florida.

The reporters were all remarking to each other that they had never see Seb so happy. Theyd given up trying to get a verbal confirmation of the relationship. The kiss at Suzuka had, in their eyes, confirmed it anyway.

Emily was looking forward to catching up with Joel and the others. She and Seb were meeting them for a drink on the following afternoon. They'd been travelling a lot in the heat that day so had decided on an early night.

Even with the air conditioning on full blast the heat was near enough unbearable. They both ended up sleeping in just their underpants on top of the covers.

The next morning it looked like it was going to be another hot day. Emily slipped on a short blue sundress and braided her hair. Seb wore his usual grey shorts and a white t-shirt. He slid his sunglasses on top of his head.

Their room had a balcony so they sat outside for a while chatting away to Lewis Hamilton who was out on his balcony a few doors along.

They decided to have lunch downstairs while waiting for Joel and the gang. As they found a seat on the outside terrace Emily spotted Charles sat with Carlos and Pierre on the far side.

Pierre and Carlos both waved in greeting but Charles just looked away.

Seb and Emily were just starting their lunch when Daniel Ricciardo slid into one of the empty seats at the table, quickly followed by Lando Norris.

"Hey Emily, how's it going?" said Lando to his old colleague. "Seb, you good?"

They both greeted Lando and Daniel.

"Now, have you heard the latest?" Daniel asked them.

"Not heard anything mate," said Seb. "We only just came down not long ago."

"Well I was talking to Checo and Max, and they heard it from, Horner and Helmut. Apparently we're getting a new team in F1 next season."

"Really?" Seb said, raising his eyebrows. "There's always rumours flying around but nothing ever comes of it."

"Yeah but this time it is highly plausible. It's Brooke Racing."

"From Indy? The Canadian team?"

"Yeah. The rumour is that they're going in with Renault. Cut price engines, in return for having one of the Alpine youngsters as reserve driver. Probably Piastri."

"Interesting, " acknowledged Seb.

"Supposed to be some big announcement Monday, " Lando added.

"If it's true I wonder where they will be based? They can't operate a team from Vancouver surely?"

"Somewhere in The UK I guess, or maybe France with the Renault connection," Daniel said.

"Be good to get a new team. Brooke have been so successful in Indy, I wouldn't be surprised if they decide to try their hand at F1."

"That's not the only rumour," said Lando.

"You guys are worse than girls for gossip," laughed Emily. Lando grinned cheekily.

"We've also heard that they're going to be bringing Marcus Ericsson back to F1," Lando informed them.

Seb nodded. "Makes sense having a driver that knows F1, and knows the team. Any talk on who their other driver would be?"

"Only Scott McDevitt. Don't know if that's a serious thing though or just because he's Canadian and they're Canadian. "

"McDevitt? That's a big name," Seb said.

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