"Do you know if Valistar was in there?" He asked his eyes growing darker by the second, and hate clear in his voice.

"No, I don't know. I don't think so. I mean, Father Sinsata told him to leave and to never return." Julius said looking around as if he was searching for someone. Who was Valistar? And why did it seem as if Dairen hated him with every fiber in his being?

I walked over to them and looked curiously between the two of them.

"Who's Valistar?" I asked.

"No one." Both of them answered at the same time.

Hm. Rather odd. They're hiding something. They don't want me to know who Valistar is and it only made me even more curious.

"Come on Scarlett, let's take you to your actual room. We had everything moved there for you during the meeting." Julius said placing his hand on the small of my back as he guided me away from Darien who when off in the other direction.

We took the elevator rising back up above ground, but we continued going up higher.

"Where are we going?" I asked glancing at Julius who was smiling.

"Your room is on the top floor, you'll love it. The view is amazing. This place is quite a lot bigger that what it looks like from the outside is it not?" He asked.

I nodded "It really is amazing. This place is like a haven." I said.

"Well, for our kind it is. We can be ourselves here, and not worry about the humans finding out about us." He stated.

"Yeah...when will I be able to see my sister again? Or Alex?" Suddenly I had become sad, with everything that had been going on I hadn't really thought about my family, but now that I think about it...I miss them.

"Well, you'll be happy to know that they will be flying in soon." Julius said giving me a wide grin.

"Really!" I cried grabbing him in a huge hug.

"Haha yes. They're be on their flight tomorrow morning." Julius said.

Both my sister and my best friend will be here tomorrow, I was beyond excited. I had to make sure that everything was perfect. This would be the first time they've seen me since I left about a week ago. And now...I was a vampire. What if I hurt them...I would never be able to forgive myself. I'm sure that's one of the things I'm going to need to work on. I already felt a slight burning sensation in the back of my throat that was steadily growing. I needed to feed again soon. I don't even know how I did it the last time, everything was instinct.

I could hear Julius's heart as it beat in his chest, and the blood that flowed through his veins smelt divine. I took a deep breath.

"Are you alright Scarlett?"

"Um yeah, I'm fine." I said.

I felt my fangs growing long and pushing past my lips, slightly cutting my lip. I licked them tasting my own blood. It tasted normal. Nothing special. But the pain was becoming intense and I struggled not to show it.

"You're thirsty. Arn't you?" Julius asked turning me to look at him.

"Yeah..." I said deciding lying wouldn't help me.

The ding of the bell made us turn our heads and Julius grabbed my hand leading me down a long corridor. I didn't have time to admire anything because I was taken through a living room and to a kitchen. Julius threw open the fridge and grabbed a metal canister and handed it to me.

"Drink." He urged opening the top of it.

I yanked the canister from him and downed the contents quickly. It didn't taste as good cold, not very appealing, but nonetheless it did the trick. I took a deep shuddering breath and set the cup back down.

"Need more?" He asked me.

I shook my head as my fangs retracted and the burning in my throat lessened.

"You've actually done very well for a new born. Seeing as you've only fed twice. Most new vampires will drink around five times on the first day. Sometimes they're uncontrollable." He said shaking his head leaning against the counter.

"So I'm doing good?" I asked.

"Phenomenally really."

"Well good. I wouldn't want to hurt anyone close to me." I said thinking about my family.

"Don't worry. You'll do fine. Now go check out your new room."

I smiled and walked back into the living room...

Random cliff hanger. Haha. Well I should update within the next few days. Thanks everyone!

Forever Eternal (Wattpadprize14)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt