Chapter 20

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" Y/n! Look out! " someone had hit my head using an iron rode from the back.

I collapsed onto the ground trying to look at the person who attacked me.

I collapsed onto the ground trying to look at the person who attacked me

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" Jin Oppa? "


I blacked out I had no idea what happened next but I can guarantee you, the next part of this story is not a happy ending.

Jin pov


" Hello? "

" hyung! I-I need help "

" What's wrong? Are you involved in an accident?! "

" Yes, please come, y/n needs help in handling the assassin. I can't do anything. Argh I'm so useless "

" Don't worry, I'll be there asap, tell me where you'll at. "

When the call ended I called someone else and told them what happened.

" hey, I need help in covering up my identity please come to (the place where you had accident) about 10 minutes from now. Thanks I owe you one"

"God, I'm so sorry Jungkook"

End of Flashback

" Hyung! What are you
doing?! " Jungkook shouted at me.

" Took you long enough, you took your time. Didn't you to see the girl throw punches to my face? " the mysteries dude asked.

" Shut up and let's get moving " I said and bridal style carried y/n towards my black Hyundai car.

Placing her gently in the back sit before closing the door, I held open the driver's sit and looked at Jungkook for a moment before entering the car and driving off.

" Hyung! Ugh! Hyung! " Jungkook shouted again trying to gain Jin's attention but failed.

Jungkook was lying on the ground trying his best to get up to chase after his hyung but his injury was too painful to bare.

Just when he thought all hope was lost yoongi's car arrived, revealing J-hope and Yoongi.

J-hope saw my injured state and quickly ran towards asking me what's wrong.

But all I could do cry and cry. I felt betrayed, lost, hopeless. Betrayed by my hyung, I lost
y/n again and felt hopeless that all I could have done was just watch her get taken away.

I promised her I'll protect her and now... She's gone.

 She's gone

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