"What happened-" Mindy is cut off by the alarm sound coming from Z's phone. There session was over.

Zhavia's entire demeanor changed at the sound of the alarm her face lit up, she was beyond ready to get out of there, to get back to her room so she could sulk in peace.

"Z we're just now making progress, this is great!" Maybe to her it was, but Z didn't see it the same way Mindy did. In Z's eyes she was opening up a already bandaged wound.. a terribly bandaged one, one that had yet to heal properly.

"Great? Girl this is just another thing to keep me up at night. See you next Thursday!" Before Mindy can even get a word out Z leaves, closing the door behind her. She couldn't get outside to her Mom's car fast enough, she opened the door to her mom's white Mercedes Benz and quickly noticed Iyah in the back seat on her phone.

She always seemed to have her face buried in a screen.

"What'd you guys talk about?" Zareah sounded hopeful, she hated to see Z constantly sulking. It's the reason Z agreed to see Mindy. She wanted to give Zareah some type of peace and mind, to lead her to believe she's at least trying to move forward and get better.

That's what she wants to do, she just feels she's not ready to do that yet. To make things harder she's in an unfamiliar place, with unfamiliar people it's hard for Z to open up to new people, it's always been that way.

"You know I can't tell you what goes on in there." Z joked as she pulled down her seat belt clicking it into place.

Zharia smiled lightly all while looking forward beginning to drive. "I'm so sure that's the rule for Mindy, and not the rule for you." She looks over at Z, she side eyed her harshly making Z crack a smile too, Zharia is always good at lightening the mood. Z had noticed that Antonio was even better at it.

"Can you believe Anthony's mom? She is doing everything thing she can to delay him! She's so spiteful, god I hate that woman." Iyah had been on and on about Anthony's mom all week. It was only because she was so excited to see him. "Child calm down I don't like her either but don't say you hate her, not to me, not to your dad, and definitely not to Anthony once he gets here. She might be spiteful but she's still Anthony's mom." Zharia stared into the review, looking at Iyah.

"Oh so you're going to act like you don't hate her either?" She cocks back from the back seat looking straight at Zharia.

"I don't hate her."

Iyah laughed listening to the lie that just left her mothers lips, it's a clear unspoken thing that Zharia and Tori, Anthony's mom, aren't fond of one another. "You're lying!" Iyah's jaw practically drops.

"I'm not! Just because we aren't best friends, doesn't mean I hate her." Iyah nodded condescendingly, Zharia was everything but a good liar. "Yeah okay whatever mom." She snickered.

"Iyah, you are free to use your imagination but I don't hate her."

"I know I'm not imagining four years ago when you threw your cup at her during what was supposed to be Anthony's twelfth birthday party." Z's eyes widened, she slowly turned her head looking at her mom with her jaw on the floor. She wasn't expecting to hear that...

"You what?!" Z asked laughing hysterically.

"You know what girls? How about we listen to some music?" Zharia turns on the radio not listening to anyone now.

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