Twenty-Four | Tanner

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"Okay, so let me get this straight," Austin said, throwing the football to our running back, who ran off with the football after he caught it. I stood beside him in a full-padded uniform, my #12 bright-white in the daylight. Another football thrown to the next awaiting player to practice catching by Austin. "Y'all put on a movie, danced like no one was watching, played a children's hand-slapping game, then did the do."

He nailed another pass to a wide receiver's hands perfectly. When it was my turn to throw, I landed them beautifully into players hands like I passed them swaddled babies. "Yes, that is exactly what I just said. Austin, I haven't known her long, and it's been an adventure navigating between two different Violets, but I think there's something here."

Another football was passed to me. A line of wide receivers and running backs waited as Austin and I sent balls flying.

"What does that even mean? 'Something here.'"

            "I don't know yet really. I just feel it in my bones that this could go right. Either way, what am I gonna tell William? I've completely backstabbed him." Though Austin was younger than me, he and Preston were the only guys I confided in for advice. I knew what I should do, but there had to be another way.

            "Uh. I don't know, man. I would just tell him, maybe he won't react as badly as you anticipate."

            "Won't react? He's had his mind set on Violet since he first saw her. He wouldn't make me find out all this information about her for nothing. Then I sleep with her and he's supposed to just be okay with that?"

Austin's expression vague-d through his helmet, his eyes alert. "I don't know. I think William's got more of a level head than you believe. Is love making you nutty already?" he chuckled, knocking on my helmet before a swift return to throwing.

Maybe he was right. I really liked Violet, surprisingly a whole lot more than I could for someone I didn't know for very long, though it felt like we'd known each other since pre-k. I wanted this to work. No secrets, no games, just honesty. Which dawned on me, if I told William about Violet and I, then I needed to tell Violet the truth about my reasons behind why I actually started to hang out with her in the first place. About William and I's wingman plan. Would she find it funny? Ironic? Or would she actually be uncomfortable? Either outcome, you have to tell her Tanner.

We focused on throwing before Coach Saban whipped around to rip us a new asshole about focus and saving the chatter for later.

            "So, was it good?" Austin asked in a hushed tone, glancing in my direction after Coach S left.

"Was what good?"

"You know. . . it."

I bit back a laugh. Perfect opportunity. "I'm sorry, Austin. I don't know what 'it' you're referring to. You're gonna have to be more specific."

"Oh, come on. Don't make me say it."

My smile kept spreading infectiously as I threw another perfect throw. Honestly, it's just too easy at this point.

"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up. But seriously. How was it?"

            I possessed a delicious secret. Flashbacks of her were as sweet and addicting as chocolate. Every part of her was soft, gentle, loving. I loved her cleverness, her realness, her humor, her random Spanish words, her history. Everything about her, even in her darkness, glowed amazing. The memory of her thrilled me with goosebumps as sensational as if I were still there in that moment. I sweated head to toe and already I felt hotter. "That my friend, is none of your business."

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