Two | Violet

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The sound of shuffling and zipping noises woke me. Instantly, I knew Dallas and Selena were in my house. I flipped onto my side and stared at the closet doorway. The light was on and I heard more movement. Dallas popped out with my suitcase, obviously packed fit-to-burst.

"Good morning, Violet! Sleep well? Good. Glad to see you're up and ready to get rolling. Just take a quick shower and then be outside, the bodyguards are waiting on us and we really shouldn't keep them doing so for too long."

            "I'm not going! You'll have to kill me if you want me out of my house, period."

            "Stop being overdramatic," Dallas said, rolling her eyes, "but don't tempt me."

            "Hey! I warned you about this, so don't act like you didn't see it coming!" I yelled. I flipped back over to my normal morning position and threw the covers over my head.

            "Sel, take her luggage to the car, please. You leave me no choice, Violet." I heard Dallas warn me. Next thing I knew, cold hands latched onto my ankles and yanked me out of bed. I twisted my body around to see Dallas dragging me towards the bathroom.

I tried to kick free but she had a death grip on my ankles. "Dallas, I'm going to murder you!"

            "As long as it's in Alabama, I'm fine with that!" She hollered over my fussing.

            I really was ready to hit her. In the face or somewhere it would cause lifelong damage. "I don't understand why you have to control everyone! Why can't you just leave me be?"

            "Because I'm not going to let you stay sour and bitter because you're still sulking about your break-up six months ago! You need familiar surroundings and I think the best place for that is right back where it all started."

Once I realized there was nothing to grab on to, I kicked my feet around again, trying to kick her hands with the heels of my feet. Eventually I was successful. Dallas yelled in pain as I made a run for my bathroom to lock the door behind me. Just as I was about to get the door latched closed and locked, the door flung open like Dallas had rammed her entire body into it and sent me flying to the floor. She climbed on top of me and tried to pin me down.

"Dallas, stop!"

"No! You're coming whether you want to or not. It's the least you can do since you won't do anything else for this band!"

Personally, that struck a nerve and I was getting tired trying to fight free. No one was going to let me be, especially alone. Dallas wasn't going to leave unless it was with me and I didn't want to spend my whole day locked up somewhere in my own home because of her, like this bathroom.

I let her pin me down. I blew in her face just for a last good measure. "Fine! Get off me."

Dallas nodded in satisfaction. "Good. And brush your teeth, morning breath."

I shoved her off. She rose and guarded the door just in case I tried to make a run for it. What's the point at this point? I showered, brushed the morning breath out, and got dressed. All very angrily, might I add.

Dallas proceeded to lead me out the door with her arm wound tightly around mine. By this point I knew it was futile to try to escape back inside, so begrudgingly I trudged along at her side.

            We made it into the blacked-out SUV in one piece and Sel greeted us cheerily with three bodyguards sitting in silence. The driver looked in his rearview mirror at us before speeding off to the small airport where our jet awaited our arrival.

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