90. meaningful

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Kaura stared at the mirror, the white short dress under the grad coat. She adjusted the cap and sighed at the reflection. Mason came up to her side, hugging her to her his chest. He kissed her cheek and rested against her shoulder. "You're beautiful."

She smiled and toyed with her fingers. "The past couple of years has been crazy but we're finally here."

"Graduation day," he muttered with a nod, holding her even tighter as if this day was threathing to take her away.

"Let's not forget that Caroline is also getting married today," she scoffed, shaking her head. Kaura stared at their embrace figures through the mirror. "The number of times she gathered us to help with the preparations..." The vampire even pulled out an old wedding preparation book that she made as a child.

Mason smiled. "So where does this leave us? Do you know where you're going?"

She fixed the unevenness of his coat. "I think I'm going to New Orleans. At first, I thought that my mother wanted me to stay with Caroline but now...I think she just wanted me to grow enough to go back home."

Mason cupped her cheek and muttered. "I love you. You've made me into the person I never thought I could be." He didn't know what her revaluation meant for him. One thing he did know was that he didn't want to lose her, not yet at least so they needed to figure it out while she was in the city and he with the remains of his family.


"Wow, I did not expect this day to come by so quickly. It almost feels like a week ago that I accepted Landon to come to our school. Almost like I met you guys for the first time hours ago. Safe to say, you guys have grown far past the young kids you were when we took you in. Standing... well sitting in front of me are strong men and women. Individuals who were powerful enough to fight these ridicously monsters that were meant to stay on our books. I look at you guys and I don't see children anymore. I see leaders. The students in this room have the power to literally change the world. Because the future is supernatural. One day, each and everyone one of you will grow to unlock a potential to save and heal the world. We are a school for the young a gifted. And yes, you were young and you were gifted. But now you're mature and you're talented. Your character growth has astounded me to an extreme extent. I wish you guys the best of luck in the real world. And never forget, our doors are always opened. I'm sure we'll have troublesome children next year and couple helping hands won't hurt." The hall chuckled and Ric smiled, discreetly wiping a tear he thought nobody saw. They did. "Anyways, come grab your certificate once your name is called and make your way to back for festivities."

They all sat in Main Hall, waiting and watching as Dorian called out names. One by one, people went up to grab the roll of paper and stood for pictures. Caroline's eyes were streaming with tears by the time the twins were called up. She and Ric hugged them, muttering how proud they were of them.

Kaura couldn't keep the smile off her face when she and Hope climbed up the steps to take their certificates together. She leaned towards the tribrid and muttered "Still think you're better than me? You and I both know my magic is much stronger."

"I'm not the one who who telling a tribrid, someone made from the first hybrid, the first vampire and the first witch, that you're stronger than her. When you're ready to test the waters, let me know," she snapped back playfully and Kaura laughed. In sync, they both took off their hats and threw it into the crowd before running outside giggling.

They took off their capes, following Caroline's schedule for the wedding celebrations. It didn't take long for the boys to catch up after them and the group all got together to talk about their rollercoaster of the year.

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