26. good grades

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"Did you hear?" Lizzie demanded rapidly, as she walked alongside Josie and Hope.

"Lizzie, I still don't want to talk to you. Just because we did the Leprechaun spell, it doesn't mean we're on good terms again," Josie sighed as she continued to walk forward.

"Please, that issue was so last week," she said. "Anyways, the vampires have a new hot teacher. Apparently, mom went out of her way to personally recruit him and that's why she was gone for so long."

"New?" Hope butted in. "What's wrong with the current one?"

"The vampires haven't had a teacher since the beginning of the year, its been a substitute. There was an incident last year with the vampire teacher," Josie informed. "Rumour has it that he was bargaining the blood of his students for good grades."

"Disgusting," Hope grimaced.

"And get this," Lizzie said in a tone that was meant to build suspense. "He's human."

Josie seemed to be about to leave but the last part caught her attention. "Another human?"

"Ryan Clarke, born in a small town around Florida. Doesn't have many siblings, mother died of cancer and father is some police officer," she stated.

"How do you know all of this?" Hope asked with concerned wide eyes. If the witch could get this much info on a random human stranger before he was properly on school premises, she wondered what else she could do.

"I'm not an amateur, I know everything," Lizzie scoffed with offence.

"I can't wait to meet him," Josie said.

"So who are you guys taking to the party tomorrow night?"

Josie sighed, shaking her head. "Goodbye, Lizzie." She gave Hope a nod and travelled down the right hallway.

She sagged as she watched her sister leave and then turned to Hope. "She has to get over it at some point. Josie can't stay mad at me forever."

"That sort of thing takes time," Hope shrugged. "She'll let you know when she's ready but don't push her."

Lizzie muttered a couple words but then leaned off the topic. "So I'm guessing you're taking Landon?"

"I mean he hasn't asked but I think so."

"I—" Lizzie stopped mid-sentence when MG appeared in front of her.

"Hey Lizzie," he grinned. "I heard that you don't have a date—"

"Milton," she plastered a fake smile. "Just the person I was looking for. Emma, being the bitch that she is, gave us tons of homework that are due tomorrow. I don't know what teacher does that but she is horrible. Do you mind helping me?"

"Uh—" he seemed startled. "Yeah, sure. What do you need help with—"

She snapped her fingers and they heard the rustling of paper. A stack of books and papers sat in his hand and Lizzie patted his back. "Thank you, MG. I knew I could count on a friend like you."

Both Hope and MG watched her sashay away. Hope winced. "Yikes. Maybe try giving her flowers first next time."


The rest of the day seemed to fuse into each other and Hope found herself brought to the day of the party. Caroline seemed to be going all out for the organization because when she stepped into the halls in the morning, spider webs and green slime were dripping down the walls. She spotted a couple of bloody-looking eyeballs and fingers as she made her way to the magic lab to test an experimental theory.

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