37. den of lions

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Raf was in his bedroom, pacing and muttering under his breath. Raw fear was coursing through his veins. He had energy, more than he should have, and his mind was bouncing to places it shouldn't have been. He wanted to see Landon. Emma had thankfully walked in to see the horror but quickly sprang into action. She worked flawlessly and before he knew it, he was ordered to his room. It has been hours since no word.

He was too scared to cross those doors, too frightened to see the terror in people's eyes. He sat on his bed with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. His legs were bouncing frantically, waiting, waiting, waiting as the minutes ticked by.

Eventually, the door creaked open and he jumped to his feet rapidly. Lizzie emerged and her face...it was solemn and crestfallen. She slowly shut the door behind her. "Raf..." her tone was soft and careful, nothing like the snide attitude he knew.

He stared at the door and hopefully asked, "He's okay? Landon is fine." Some part of him didn't want to believe otherwise—never wanted to believe otherwise.

"Landon..." she trailed off, swallowing hard. She started again but whispered, "Landon is dead," as if she was scared a ball was going to drop. Raf was frozen in spot as she continued, "We've been trying to call Hope but her phone is disconnected for some reason. We think it's because of the ceremony but—"

Her words after that were slurs. He stumbled back as if a wrecking ball had slammed into his entire body. Raf looked around the room, on Landon's side of the room. His bed was made, his clothes were folded and his desk was organized.

He balled his fist and clenched his teeth. He wanted to cry. Raf wanted to expel any sources of light, curl under his covers and cry until he couldn't think straight. The one person who had been there since the very beginning was now gone. Thanks to him. He should have never told Ric to accept a human into a supernatural school. It was like giving a challenge to the universe, it was like he was begging them to hurt him. Casualties were bound to be made.

Lizzie placed a hand on Raf's shoulder to tip his attention back to her. "That's not all. There's a full moon in two days."

And the tether of misery snapped within him. Raf flinched away from her touch and yelled as he picked up Landon's favourite coffee mug and slammed it to the ground. He started smashing things, breaking glass, fracturing wood, disorganizing the room.

Lizzie held her ground but wasn't afraid. Because as he turned the room into destruction, not once did anything hit her. "You need to breathe."

"Don't tell me to breathe," he bellowed, throwing a chair against the wall. "I-I just killed my best friend. Did you hear me? I killed my best friend and he won't even be here to help me through the transition." I am a monster, his mind screamed at him. I've always been. And two days is going to prove that.


Ric stepped to the podium of the sorrowful hall. Lizzie and Raf were nowhere to be seen and he could spot Mason on his phone, probably still trying to call Hope. Even Penelope was ringing Kaura but she didn't respond either.

Ric cleared his throat and the hall silenced, facing him. "I am sure you have all heard or suspected the news. One of our students is dead."

"Was it a monster attack?"

"Why haven't you shut down the school?"

"Were our parents notified?"

Dorian quieted them and gave Ric space to speak again. "No, this was not a monster attack. In fact, it was an accident. Landon Kirby is no longer with us anymore," he said tightly. He gripped the ends of the podium stand.

Caroline herself looked distraught. She looked paler than usual and she looked like she was going to be sick. Regardless, she had to put up a strong front for the students. Clarke however, touched her arm to comfort her.

"This would have never happened if I hadn't brought someone so vulnerable into the school. Landon was nothing but a kid and he didn't have experience with being around the supernatural. I myself have grown up with them, fallen in love with them, procreated with them. I couldn't have expected him to know how to handle himself in a den of lions. I sincerely regret this decision I've recklessly made and now...now Landon has had to pay the price. For anyone who needs private counsel, Emma, myself, Caroline, Clarke and Dorian are always, always available. Don't hesitate to knock on our doors. Landon was a good student. He didn't deserve to meet such a brutal ending," Ric nodded finally and stepped away.

Caroline stepped forward and tucked a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear as she muttered, "We are going to hold a funeral. Tonight. You are all expected to be there to pay tributes. You don't even have to say anything. Just being there for him...it will be enough."

And that is exactly what happened. The teachers had buried him in a secluded place on campus, mainly because they didn't have anywhere else. There was a ceremony for his name at a big oak tree. One by one, students dressed in black approached the tree, touched it and murmured their condolences. Some even had tears in their eyes and some were too shocked to say a thing. 

School was cancelled for the entire week to give students time to get over the tragedy.

Painful hours ticked by. Things were difficult for Raf. Very, very difficult. Dorian tried to get him ready for the transition but he didn't seem to be listening at all.

And before he knew it, the day had come. It was still light outside but he knew the full moon was hiding in the clouds, waiting to pounce on him.

"Hey, Raf," Jed called. He and a couple of other werewolves approached him. "We heard that you're transforming today?"

Raf didn't say a thing. He only stared out at the window.

Killian cleared his throat. "If you need us, we'll be in the turning cells. We can help you, we know it's your first."

He still didn't say anything.

Henry nodded and slapped his arm. "When you're ready, you know where to find us."


"Is this loser bothering you?"

try to guess who said it and don't forget to vote ;)

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