48. fake tears

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"It looks like a Cyclops," MG identified from the window in the library. The large gooey-looking sewage rat with one single eye was stomping through the yard, destroying the gardens and smashing statues. "They are very angry monsters that destroy anything in its path. Living or non-living."

Dorian nodded to confirm. "Not only do they hate werewolves, it says here that Cyclops are creatures of isolation. They were locked up in caves and grottos by emperors and legends says that the reason why they are so violent is because they would spend hours pounding and punching through their cages to escape."

"Yada, yada," Penelope rolled her eyes. "How do we make sure they don't pound and punch into our school?"

"Luckily, I've found a common weakness in my research," Dorian informed. "As you've noticed, it only has one eye."

"So we hit that and its gone for good? I feel like puking, that thing is uglier than Mary--" Lizzie said as she paled. 

"The only issue is, we don't know what weapon will permanently kill it," Dorian sighed, massaging his head. 

Hope grinned and pulled out the small jewelled dagger. "I think this will work just fine."

Caroline nodded to her and cleared her throat. "So what's the plan? By now, the students know the lockdown procedure for situations like this but you guys are the only ones I trust to be strong enough to overcome this."

Kaleb smirked. "Thanks, Forbes. I really appreciate it."

"Isn't it easy? We use that special weapon Hope found and kill it," Raf shrugged. 

"Are you dense?" Lizzie insulted. "That monster is much, much, larger than the average being and the weapon is even smaller. So unless you have an impeccable aim, you need to get close to be able to use the knife. And by then, you'd be dead."

"Are you trying to insult my masculinity? I can do it if I want to do it," Raf snapped. 

Penelope rolled her eyes and leaned towards Kaura. "And they're back at it again."

"Guys," Ric attempted to calm. "Our best shot is to lead it into a trap and deal with it from there. The witches could start up a spell, Raf distracts the monster and then MG and Kaleb could use their vampire speed to stab it in the eye. Everyone happy now?"

"No," Lizzie seethed. "Didn't you hear what Dorian just said? Cyclops hate werewolves and I don't feel like finding out what happens when it gets its hands on him."

"Why do you even care, Lizzie?" Penelope smirked as she teased. "Are you starting to get the hots for--"

"Shut up, demon," she barked. "I just don't feel like fake crying at another funeral."

"Ouch," Landon said. He seemed to be fully healed now and Dorian helped him learn how to summon his wings and dismiss them fluidly.

"I'll put a temporary protection spell on Raf if you're that worried for your tears, Lizzie," Emma chuckled. "Are we set?"

They all grumbled their responses and they began to get ready. 


As outside was crumbling with demolition, Kaura, Josie, Penelope, Emma, Hope and Lizzie were setting up a spell to keep the Cyclops cornered in one place.

Raf wasn't on his own to distract the monster from going to the school. In fact, MG, and Kaleb were helping him while Mason was in charge of keeping Landon away. Injured, he couldn't move much and Mason seemed annoyed that he was on babysitting duty.

"Here kitty, kitty, kitty," Kaleb whistled and the monster turned with a gurgling growl before it brought down its fist on the vampire. With his speed, he flitted away quickly and laughed. "Over here, ugly monster."

MG shook his head, "At this rate, he'd be down to eat you."

"He can try," Kaleb cackled and flitted away when the monster turned to him. "This is the most fitness I've done in ages."

The Cyclops seemed to notice MG and went for him as well but the supernatural speed was too quick. MG took the opportunity to ask Raf, who was also dodging the swings, a question. "So what was that about?"

"What was what about?" Raf asked as he jumped out of the way of a blow. 

"You and Lizzie," MG panted. "We all know that the tears thing is an excuse."

"Nothing is going on," Raf lied, completely focused on the monster. "Lizzie is just having one of her days where she's being nice for no reason."

"Since when?" Kaleb scoffed with a snort. 

"Let's just drop it," Raf ordered and gave Kaleb a pointed glare.

MG narrowed his eyes. Before he could ask any more questions, the witches ran out into the courtyard and he could hear Penelope yell, "Caecus." The monster screeched and began to wobble around as it clutched its eyes.

"It's blind for a couple of seconds," Josie explained. "Who has the knife?"

"I do," Kaura declared and adjusted the weapon in her grip. She pulled her arm back and hurled it with all her might at it. 

"That's not the plan," Emma hissed and watched as the knife bounced off the monster's pebbly skin. It dropped to the ground and Lizzie's eyes widened in horror as she realized that it was below the Cyclops. Which meant they had to get closer to retrieve it--

Without even thinking, she dove forward, arm reaching out for the short weapon but was rapidly snatched back. She screamed as she felt its bulky three-fingered dry hand wrap around her torso tightly. "Sanguis dolo--" she tried to spell but the words drowned in her throat when she shrieked as it began to fling her. 

"Lizzie," Raf shouted and his eyes glinted gold. This drew the attention of the monster and it threw her in the air. Before he had a chance to figure out how he was going to catch her, MG's supernatural speed gained him the ability to be below her. 

"I got you," the vampire said as she dropped into his arms. 

In the midst of the chaos, Mason had flitted to the knife while the monster was occupied and flung himself in the air, the dagger in his hands. He brought it down into its pupil and it bellowed. Mason left the weapon there and dropped from the height on his swift feet.

They all panted and watched as the monster yelped and began to disintegrate, leaving the weapon into the sticky remains. Hope turned to Mason with her eyes brows raised. "You were supposed to be watching Landon."


"I was trying to make an entrance, you mop head."

try to guess who said it and don't forget to vote ;)

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