1. stalkers

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Hope stood in front of the gates with a bright smile, holding the phone to her ear. "Yes, Aunt Freya. I'm literally at the door, I'm fine." She rolled her eyes playfully as her aunt responded on the other end. "Somehow, I doubt that Caroline, vice-principal to this big ass boarding school will have time for a new student." She sighed as Freya continued. "I know she is expecting me but it's embarrassing." Hope scoffed, snorting as she pulled her suitcase forward and buzzed the gate. "You gotta stop pulling the tribrid card, I'm not that special. Not all of my chapters are unlocked, I'm just a witch. Okay, I really have to go. Bye, talk to you later." Hope delivered a couple of smooches and hung up, straightening herself.

She adjusted her jean jacket and sighed with exhaustion. She then counted her bags and swivelled around when she heard the intercom switch on. "Who are you and what do you want?" A sassy voice with a splash of attitude drawled.

Hope frowned but she shook her head and said with a smile, "I'm Hope Mikaelson and I'm here to—" Tires screeching behind her stopped her mid-sentence.

A black Range Rover pulled up, parking in front of the gates. It was now that she realized that music was blasting through the speakers and in seconds, the driver shut it off and swung their door open. Out came a tall dark man, with an obvious athletic figure, brown eyes and short hair. And through the passenger door, a boy with short countless black curls and a slim build emerged. Before Hope could even register what the hell was happening, the revving of a loud motorcycle bike erupted and pulled up beside the massive car. The driver pulled off his helmet, shaking out his luscious gleaming messy locks of black hair. His olive skin contrasted beautifully with the sun and his grey glassy eyes were mirrors of thunder and storm.

"Hello? Don't waste my damn time, it's already enough that I have to sit in front of this desk all day," the man on the receiver hissed.

Hope shook her head and turned back to the gate. "My bad. I'm Hope Mikaelson and I'm a new student. I was enrolled here—" The gates buzzed and swung open. Hope shrugged. "Okay then." She took a deep breath and muttered, "Volant." Her bags flew into the air and followed her as she marched through the gates.

"Hey, hey!" Called one of the guys behind her and Hope froze. "You think you can do some of that witchery magic for us too? I don't feel like carrying our bags in."

Hope turned and planted her hands against her hip. "It's just called magic. And what do I get in return?"

"Very, very awesome friends?" Landon offered with one of his eyebrows risen.

Hope rolled her eyes but flickered her wrist. All their bags flew into the batch and they followed her towards the large building. "So," she said to fill the awkward silence. "You guys are new too?"

"I'm not, I'm just recruiting my buddy Landon. It took me an entire semester to convince Headmaster Alaric to let him attend and he finally accepted. I had to travel through the states to drag his ass here this summer," he explained. "I'm Rafael, by the way, Raf for short."

"Hope," she waved and turned to the silent individual. "And you?"

He jerked his chin curtly. "Mason. I'm not involved with those two," he motioned, clearly bored already.

"Alright since we're all the bestest of friends, why don't we all say what we are?" Landon offered.

"I'm going to assume you're blind," Hope pointed to the flying bags.

"Right, you're a witch," Landon chuckled. "Raf's a wolf."

"And I'm the hottest guy on campus. We literally met seconds ago, we aren't that close. You don't need to know what type of supernatural I am," Mason scoffed.

"You're Mason Hayes and you're a vampire," a confident voice stated, one that didn't come from Hope. They had arrived at the entrance of the school and a girl stood before them, wearing a pleated uniform skirt and a blazer. Her hair was a caramel shade, much darker to her skin complexion and she had golden-brown eyes. Her face was sculpted and her build was curved in all the right places. She turned to Landon with a bored expression. "And you're Landon Kirby...a human."

"A human?" Hope repeated, eyebrows narrowing. "I thought only supernaturals were allowed here. Isn't it called the Salvatore Boarding School for Supernaturals or something?"

The girl rolled her eyes. "Just the Salvatore Boarding School." She turned and gave a pointed glare to Raf. "And after this idiot practically got on his hinds and knees, Ric had no choice but to let the help attend our school. Honestly, I wouldn't consider him a human, more of a walking blood bag."

Landon feigned hurt and Raf threw his arms around the girl. "Come on, Kaura, don't ruin the vibe." He chuckled when she shoved him away. "Excuse her attitude, she's much nicer in the afternoons."

Two claps brought attention behind Kaura and the twins emerged. "Listen up, newbies," Lizzie declared with a fake smile. "The time for chit chat and dallying is over. I am Elizabeth Saltzman, this is my sister, Josette and we are the twin ravens that run SBS. You have entered a new era and we are the face and front of young supernaturals. Disappointment is unacceptable, are we clear?"

"Lizzie. We're a school, not an army. You're a student, not a drill sergeant. Are we clear?" Kaura didn't even bother to spare the blonde a glance.

"I think we should just do as we were told and show them around," Josie rapidly said before Lizzie could go off.

"Show them around?" Lizzie scoffed. "I only agreed to see them. I'm getting ready for tonight's events."

"What events?" Landon and Hope said at once.

Lizzie rolled her eyes dramatically and headed for the front door, her blonde hair swaying behind her. "You're already slacking. Tonight is one of the few nights that we are allowed to leave the gates of this prison to have a night of fun," she said and pushed the doors open.

"Some prison this is," Mason whispered to himself, giving a pointed glare to the maroon bricks, the antique gargoyle statues and freshly trimmed trees, expelling fresh crisp air.

"Translatio ad cubiculum," Josie muttered under her breath and the floating bags disappeared. Before Hope could ask, she answered, "I moved them to your rooms."

"Walk faster," Lizzie ordered and Landon hurried forward while Hope stared at the mansion. They arrived in the living room, where all sorts of students were studying with books and floating and disappearing objects. Lizzie began to explain the rooms, occasionally snapping at them to hurry up.

The twins led the pack, Raf had disappeared to meet his friends, Hope and Landon were in the middle while Kaura and Mason fell behind.

"You're stalking me," Mason stated and didn't even dare glance her way. His eyes occasionally snagged on the portraits of the recent Salvatore family members and brushed away from them.

"What?" Kaura scoffed, taking a while to digest in his statement.

"You somehow know my name and you're following me like I'm gold. I know I'm exquisitely beautiful and all but--"

Kaura laughed with a genuine mocking amusement and snapped her fingers. In 2 seconds, a document had appeared in the air and she threw it at him. "We have your files, idiot, you're not special at all. Please don't flatter yourself. Plus I don't trust vampires. Offer a couple of drops of blood and you'll do anything. A cursed weakness."

"You're Kaura Bennett Parker, right? Your parents came from a family of literal vampires," he huffed with disbelief. "You can't seriously think I believe that bullshit."

Kaura blinked at him with dead eyes. "Look who's stalking now," she said and made her way to the front with the twins. And the tour went on.


"You thrift store Hobbit."

try to guess who said it and don't forget to vote ;)

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