17. twin telepathy

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Meanwhile, Josie was trying to get a refill near one of the alcohol stations. One of the vampires was eyeing her and she couldn't tell if it was from hunger or something else. Either way, she wasn't about to find out.

Josie turned rapidly, only to meet Penelope face to face. "Hey, Jojo. Long time no speak." Josie swallowed loudly and moved to walk around her without a word but Penelope blocked her. "If it was any longer, I'd think you're avoiding me."

"I am avoiding you," Josie hissed.

"Why would you ever do that? Wanting my attention should be your eternal wish."

Josie scoffed, shaking her head with disbelief. "You left, Penelope. The night I told you that I loved you, I had to hear from my mother that you left. If those three words scared you that much, you could have told me. Instead, you abandoned the damn school. All for a stupid grandmother. At least come up with a better excuse—"

"It wasn't an excuse," Penelope said sharply.

Josie averted their gaze. "I just don't care anymore."


"Don't call me that."

Penelope sighed with frustration and continued on. "I think that we need to talk about it. I—" She stopped mid-sentence when Josie grabbed unto a girl passing by, latching on her arm to pull her close. Penelope's eyes widened when Josie pressed a kiss on the drunk girl. The girl didn't seem to know how to react and Penelope shoved her away with rage.

"Is that enough to tell you to leave me alone?" Josie demanded.

Penelope's eyes turned glassy but the tears never fell as she said, "My parents were never okay with my sexuality. They thought it was just a phase, that I was getting influenced by the devil. But my grandmother helped me through their denial. I cried for hours because I believed that something was wrong with me but she was there. And even though my parents failed to love me in the ways they were supposed to, I still cared for them when they were assassinated. It was an attempt. Another coven was trying to kill me because I was an abomination, I had the wrong coding. My grandmother saved me and my parents took the blow. I spent the rest of my years growing up with her so when I heard that she was sick...I didn't have a choice. She saved me so it was time for me to try and save her. And even if I couldn't, I wanted to spend as much time with her before her time came. I was terrified. I didn't want to lose the one person who was still able to love me for who I am. And then you told me. Gosh, I was so excited to tell her all about you. Your beauty, your intelligence, your charm. And I couldn't wait to tell you about her when I came back, when everything was fine. But she died and I didn't know if I could return for the rest of the semester so I tried to recoup."

"Then why didn't you tell me?" Josie said with tears in her eyes. Unlike Penelope, water was streaming down her face. "Instead of letting me think the worse, instead of making feel worthless, why didn't you just tell me?"

Penelope glanced at the sky, trying to tip the tears back in. "I tried. I knew that I had to talk to you before I left, I knew that I had to tell you the three words too."

"Then what the hell happened?"

"Your sister." Penelope chuckled, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Somehow, she knew that our relationship was getting serious. I don't know how or why she wanted to ruin that but she did. The night I was supposed to board the plane, I was just about to knock on your door. But she was there. She told me to leave, to never come back because you deserved better. She said that I had to leave you alone and that I was only doing harm to you if I let things get serious. And I was obviously vulnerable because of my grandmother so I...left."

Josie sniffled, wiping her eyes. "I am so sorry. About your grandmother, about Lizzie, about everything. God, I was so horrible."

Penelope shook it off with a small smile. "It was fun watching the claws come out. You know how much I love them."

Josie laughed through her tears. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, Jojo." She took a forward but Josie stepped back. Penelope looked at her with confusion.

"I have to deal with something first."


Josie didn't have to search hard to find her sister. In fact, Lizzie was the beacon of attention when she pushed through the crowd. As expected, Kaura was there with her, engaging in their usual aggressive banter. Josie didn't care for what she was doing when she grabbed Lizzie's arm abruptly and dragged her through the party. People glared at them, most shocked that Josie had the power to pull Lizzie in such a hostile manner.

"Josie," Lizzie grunted. "What the hell are you doing? You're embarrassing me—"

"Shut up," Josie snarled, pulling her faster. Lizzie didn't utter another word, confusion clogging her voice. They reached a secluded section of the party and Josie turned to her viciously. "You knew."

Instantly, Lizzie knew what she meant. Call it twin telepathy, but Lizzie knew what Josie was referring to. "Listen, Josie—"

"No, you listen. You had no right to do what you did. This whole time, you knew that she was going to come and say goodbye and you pretended like you didn't? You let me suffer for that whole time?"

"I didn't know she was actually going to leave leave when I told her to leave. I was telling her to go back to her room—"

"So? You sat by me, letting me cry for all those months when you knew how to make the pain go away?"

"I didn't want to hurt you—"

"Congratulations because you did."

"I was trying to do what was best for you, I am your other half. I am always going to protect you, I am always going to see the things you don't see, Josie. And my gut was saying that Penelope was going to hurt you one way or another so it was better to get done with it now," Lizzie tried to justify.

"I am so over you trying to control what happens in my life." Josie shouldered past her, and spat, "Don't come near me again."

Lizzie watched in horror as her twin sister stormed away.


"Oh, careful witches. Don't let her catch you laughing or she might snap...your necks."

try to guess who said it and don't forget to vote ;)

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