33. valentine

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Christmas was sooner than they expected and to nobody's surprise, it didn't snow. Mason was walking to the cafeteria with Hope, talking about a group project when Kaura showed up in front of them. "Do you have any tampons?" She asked, eyes briefly brushing Mason's before they zeroed in on Hope.

"Uh, yeah, in my room, in the table beside my bed, second drawer," Hope instructed.

Kaura didn't bother to nod and walked away faster than she ducked in. Mason blinked slowly, trying to register what happened before he turned to Hope. "What was that?"

"What was what?"

"Did she just ask you for something...nicely?"

Hope chuckled. "Yeah, crazy right? From where we were before, and where we are now, it's an improvement."

"What the fuck happened?"

"I don't know...we sort of talked and then," she shrugged. "Now we're fine."

"I suppose this is just fantastic, isn't it?" He said with sarcasm.

Hope narrowed her eyes at him. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I sort of bet my motorcycle that you guys would still be pulling each other's hair by Valentine's," Mason scratched his head awkwardly.

Hope's eyes widened. "Mason. You love that bike."

"Yeah, I thought I would keep that bike because there was no way in hell you guys would make up. I mean she told me she imagined killing you to calm her nerves," he accidentally said.

"She what?"

Mason quickly averted his path, eyes wide. "Gotta go, I suddenly remember that I have homework."

"Mason," Hope called but he didn't turn. He didn't even go to class to be assigned homework.


Hot chocolate and peppermint candies were served the entire week and Christmas logs were on Friday, which was the official day of the snowy holiday. Hope slept over in Landon's room a couple of times, both of them staying up watching sappy-romantic movies. Their relationship was progressing even further and each time they were getting more comfortable around each other.

The halls were carolling with merry and joy. People were laughing, running, playing down the halls. Some returned home to family members but others didn't have any to enjoy with.

Hope delivered a couple of gifts to her friends, wishing them a happy holiday. But there was one present she was scared to give. It was a very small box and she paced around in her room, trying to contemplate if it was worth it. It was for Kaura. And she was scared that what was in the box would break the friendship they managed to grow.

She picked up the box and sighed, forcing herself to open the door and march to the witch's room. She knocked anxiously and the door magically swung open.

Hope stepped in, holding a box for herself. To no shock, Penelope was in the room as well. The girls seemed to be playing a board game.

"Yeah?" Kaura glanced up with question.

Hope cleared her throat and mustered enough energy to say, "Um. I would like to speak to you. Alone?"

They all turned to Penelope and she rolled her eyes as she hoisted herself to her feet. "Fine, I have better places to be anyway." When she passed Hope, she spotted the little box and gave Hope a warning glare. Penelope leaned in to whisper, "It better be good. For your sake." She shut the door behind her.

Kaura started to pack up the game. "I was actually coming to find you after I was done with Penelope."


"I just didn't want to get all into the festivities around Christmas. I hate Christmas."

"You hate Christmas?" Hope repeated, swallowing deeply.

"Despise it. It's like a day that forces you to buy things for people. The moment someone gives you a gift, it's like you were meant to get them something too. It becomes hella awkward when you have nothing. It's not like I think about people for more than 2 minutes, I am definitely not going out of my way to waste time for you," she ranted.

"Um...right," Hope awkwardly chuckled.

"So what did you want to talk about?"

Hope tried to tuck the gift away as fluidly as she could. "I came to—uh...sorry, I wanted to—" In an attempt to hide it, she dropped it. Her eyes widened and she went to pick it up.

Kaura had already snapped her fingers and the white box was in her grasp. She examined it with her head cocked. "Looks fancy. You planning to give it to someone?"

Hope's heart started to pick up and she fumbled on her words even more. "S-sort of." Kaura opened the box and her eyes remained fixed on the jewel inside. Hope pushed herself to get the courage to say, "Actually, I wanted to give it to you. That was the bracelet Kai gave to Bonnie. Back when her psychic abilities were returning, she struggled to sleep. Freya's had it for a while and she didn't know what to do with it. I pretty sure she secretly put it in my belongings because she knew I was going to see you."

Kaura didn't say anything as she continued to stare at the band. Abruptly, she shut it and placed it aside. "Thanks."

Hope was sort of taken aback by the simplicity but she nodded. "No problem—"

"I'm busy, you're going to have to come back another time," Kaura declared and stood by the door.

Hope realized that something had definitely shifted. She wasn't sure if she regretted it or not. She muttered her understandings to Kaura as she walked out.



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