47. possibilities

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Lizzie marched down the halls as Josie tried to keep up with her pace. "Lizzie, wait. We should think about this before we ask them. We might get in trouble because weren't even supposed to be there in the first pla--"

"No. We are going to barge in there and we are going ask mom and dad to clear up this bullshit about the merge," she hissed and continued to stride forward. Soon, they arrived at the front office and Lizzie slammed her hands on the desk. "Are our parents in right now?"

Grace scrambled and pushed her glasses back as she stammered, "Y-yes but they're i-in a very important meeting. They don't want a-any interruptions--"

"I'm sure they'll let this one pass," Lizzie huffed and marched to the front of Ric's door. 

Josie smiled apologetically at the secretary as she followed Lizzie. "Sorry about that." 

They arrived at the door and Lizzie burst in before Josie could stop her. Ric was at his desk while Caroline was leaning over him, working. "Lizzie, Josie, we're busy. Please come back another time--"

"Oh no, no," Lizzie chuckled and pulled out a seat. "We are not coming back another time. In fact, we are going to all sit here like one big happy family and you're going to explain what the merge is."

Caroline straightened as her eyes widened, "I--what? Where did you get that information from?"

"We were in the bloodlines section of the library," Josie admitted and sank into the other chair. 

"You girls know that you're not allowed to go in there," Ric's voice rose. "And I'm guessing you siphoned the magic Emma placed on there to keep it locked?"

"Well, Kaura did--" Josie was saying. 

"Even better!" Ric said with sarcasm. 

"That's not the point. Tell me that I'm not supposed to kill my sister when I turn 22 and we'll be off and on our way," Lizzie ordered as she patiently crossed her legs. 

"I--" Caroline started but the words died in her throat. 

Josie's eyes narrowed. "What's wrong, mom? Tell her--tell us that this is some sort of joke."

Ric sighed and held his hands in fists in front of him. "Look girls, your mother and I were planning on telling you when you reached 19--"

"What? I'm still waiting for you to tell me that this is bullshit."

"Lizzie, language," Caroline warned. 

"The Gemini Coven has a process that requires for the twins in the family to...battle out leadership. But since your Uncle Kai killed the coven, we weren't sure if the Merge would happen because the leader would have nothing to lead. Caroline and I planned to look into it in the near future."

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"The idea of the Merge was a possibility and you guys were too young. We also came to a conclusion that we didn't want to distract you from studies--"

"Again? First with the divorce and now this? When are you going to stop with the lies? Lizzie and I are old enough to know these types of things. Quite frankly, I'm hurt that you didn't trust us to tell us."

"I--" Caroline stopped her sentence when she noticed that the lamp on Ric's desk vibrated. 

Ric continued for her, "Look, in our minds the topic was sensitive so--" But this time, the table shook and the adults glanced at each other. 

Before they knew it, there was a loud shrilling blare that sounded through the halls. "What the hell is that?"

Caroline swallowed. "Dorian's new monster alert."


Kaura lay in Mason's arms, staring off into nothing as he toyed with her hair. They'd been at it for hours and this happened to be one of the few minutes that they rested. "So I've actually been wondering."

"Hm?" She hummed, tracing her fingers over the bird tattoo over his chest. Something about the symbol of the ink was captivating. 

"Am I your first?"

Kaura stopped her fingers and slowly looked up at him. "What makes you say that?"

He shrugged. "You're...slightly narrow."

Kaura snorted and pushed off him. She leaned over his body to reach for his shirt and slipped it on. "No. Raf and I..."

He nodded and placed both hands behind his head. "Figured." Mason watched as she reached in her desk to pull out a thick rusty book. "What are you doing?"

She stared at the cover of the book again, her magic thrumming at her fingers. "I found this in the section about bloodlines in the library."


"There's something odd about it," Kaura muttered and flipped through the frail pages. "Revival, conversations with the dead, immortality. I mean all of these spells are things that go against the law of nature. Emma told us that when you break nature's rules, there's a steep price. So why is there a dictionary for it?" 

"Isn't there a word for a cookbook of spells?" He asked. 

"A grimoire. My magic seems attracted to it..." she trailed off as she sank into the bed. 

Mason appeared beside her and glanced over her shoulder. "Do you think it was from somebody in your family--"

He was interrupted by a loud siren that caused Kaura's heart to jump-start. "What--" A mighty roar rang through the hallways and they both turned to each other with a look. "I guess that means--"

"There is another monster on campus," he rolled his eyes and moved to look for his pants.


"Is it possible to die from a paper cut?" 

try to guess who said it and don't forget to vote ;)

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