72. long term issues

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"I'm sure most of you have noticed by now," Ric was saying to the students in the Main Hall. "Campus borders are officially closed. Although the rules have always been that you cannot leave without permission, they have recently been enforced to a higher measure. Now, I considered not even bringing up the next topic because I don't want to scare you but I'm sure a couple of you are already concerned. There was an incident, caused by the vampire Milton Greasley. He... took the lives of nearly 35 individuals from the Mystic town." The hall gasped and the students began to gossip. Ric caught their attention again when he cleared his throat. "But he's receiving high amounts of help and we wanted his friends to know that he has our full support and care. Which is also why you will not be seeing him for the following couple of weeks. Could be months but we have to assess his behaviour. As you all know, we have a couple of humans in the building and I do not want to risk their safety even more after what happened last year. Any further concerns you have on this situation, please speak to Davina because she will be in charge of MG's healing process."

Caroline went over the rules about the campus barrier that Vincent installed and as she spoke, Raf leaned over to Lizzie. "I should've made the effort to talk to him at the beginning of the year. Instead, I just hid in the corner."

She rubbed his arm for comfort. "At the end of the day, he made his own choices. Nothing we can do about it now."

"Psycho better get the help he needs," a student from behind them muttered.

Raf glared at them menacingly and if it weren't for Lizzie's hand on his arm, he would have pounced. But Lizzie ensued an attack of her own. "I don't think you have the right to talk to me when you look like that. I mean, seriously? Coordinate your clothes. Your mother should have coordinated your face so I can't blame you." The student didn't utter another word after that.


MG wasn't surprised to wake up in an isolated chamber. He already knew he was taken off campus to a more secluded area. What confused him was the bright lights. Instantly, he was terrified. This scene seemed all too familiar to those psychopaths that would get locked up and experimented on.

"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you," a sweet voice chuckled. "This was the only place Caroline could find that was isolated from everyone."

MG stared up at Davina and gulped. "What are you—what am I doing here?"

"MG." She clicked her tongue and took a deep breath. "You're aware that you killed a lot of people, right?" He shrunk a bit, already hating where the topic was going. "Ric and board of teachers have come to a conclusion that you need private counsel. You're excused from your classes but you'll be chatting with me." Davina almost wanted to laugh. First, she had to privately counsel Kaura with her magic and now MG with his hunger. What did I expect, I'm from two species, I have to carry my load somehow.

"What about my friends? I want to talk to Kaleb, he's probably worried," he said, already trying to slide off the bed. Even though he and the vampire weren't on the right foot right now, MG still cared. It was how he was wired and he doubted it would change with heartbreak.

Davina shook her head. "No contact from the outside until you're...healed. Your friends already know what's happening and everyone is hoping you get better."

"I'm a monster," he muttered in a low broken voice.

"We're all monsters in our own way," she said. "But I'm here to help you. Do you know what a Ripper is?"

He adjusted himself on the bed as Davina pulled out a chair. "I've heard about it a couple times in class. One of our founders, Stefan Salvatore, was a Ripper, right?"

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