15. off the hinges

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Ric seemed to be waiting patiently. Staring out the window and turned once the door opened. Dorian seemed to reading a book but straightened when Landon and Hope walked in.

"Hope. You're late," Ric stated.

"I'm sorry, I've had....a couple of complications," she said, shutting the door behind her. "But I'm here now."

"Landon, this meeting does not include you, no offence," Dorian crossed his arms, pointing to the door.

"Actually, Landon has something to say," Hope sat in the chairs and he sat beside her. She turned to him with an encouraging nod.

He cleared his throat and swallowed. "Um, yes. My first couple of days at this school...I think that I've seen the Legendarium."

Ric sat at the edge of his seat, leaning forward. "The Legendarium is here?"

"N-not exactly. It's here," he pointed to his head. "In my dreams."

Dorian and Ric shared glares and Ric sank back into his chair with a groan. "Okay, it's come to my understanding that these...issues seem to revolve around the two of you. Now, I am not saying that I am thinking about expelling you but if it comes down to the future and health of the school—"

"I understand. I've already been thinking about going back to New Orleans, I'm sure my Aunt Freya would be delighted to have me back," she crossed her legs, averting her eyes from the principal.

Ric nodded. "I am glad that you're mature enough to understand Hope, I really am."

Dorian cleared his throat. "Now, tell us what you saw in Kaura's memories."

"The only significant thing that came up is...sort of a riddle," Hope admitted. She tried to think about what the Genie said last night but nothing made sense. Even more confusion.

"What sort of riddle?" Ric asked.

"Perhaps you wish to have a certain boy fall in love with you? Perhaps you wish a certain girl, a certain unordinary creature to fall in love for the ordinary? Perhaps you want her kept away from the boy you fancy?" She repeated.

Dorian was writing her words down and the entire room seemed perplexed. "That's what the Genie said?" Dorian scribbled fast, glancing up to Hope for more. "Nothing about a book? Nothing about why the monsters are coming here?"

"Nothing. Everything else was regarding the three wishes," she answered.

"Is it not obvious what this...riddle is saying?" Landon stated quietly from his seat and they all turned to him. "I've read my fair share of novels when I was a kid, books were my way of escaping reality. Because I bounced from foster homes, as I changed homes and families, the pages would always stay with me."

"Cut to the chase Landon," Ric said tightly.

"It's a bit complicated but the Genie was trying to get a guy that Kaura has a crush on to fall in love with her. But it seems like the guy she likes has eyes for someone else so the creature is asking if she should interfere."

"So in this situation, Mason is the guy Kaura is interested in, she thinks that Mason likes Hope so the Genie is offering to make Hope and Landon fall in love for Kaura to have Mason," Dorian concluded fluidly. "Hope is the unordinary because she is the first tribrid and Landon is the ordinary because he is human."

"Whoa, whoa, where did that come from? I never said any names," Landon said quickly, confusion marred on his face.

"And how do you know about all of this?" Hope questioned. Somehow Dorian was able to pick up on what others couldn't.

"I am a teacher. Not blind. I sense tension between the four of you," he said. "But now we know that the Genie was trying to get the two of you together."

"Then we do everything to prevent Hope and Landon from being together," Ric concluded, speaking more to Dorian than the teenagers in the room.

"What?" They exclaimed at the same time.

"It is obvious that the Legendarium has an agenda for the two of you. And as much as I would like to kick the two of you out of the school right now, Caroline would kill me if she found out that I made you leave without a hard reason. So until we can further assess this, stay far away from each other please." He rose from his seat and pointed to the doors. "Thank you for meeting with me but it's time for the adults to talk."

Hope returned to her dorm and before she knew it, she fell asleep on top of her homework books. But this dream was no typical dream. She dreamt of a feminine figure, walking in a cloud of mist. The only thing she could see clearly was the silver robe but her hood covered her face.


Kaura didn't feel like leaving her room. And before she could even decide on it, half the day had already trickled by. It seemed to be getting harder and harder to be around Lizzie and Josie. She knew that they saw things and even a little glimpse at what she had to endure for every second of the day was too much.

Kaura sighed and turned the music on her speakers. She started to sway drowsily, dancing in an oversize t-shirt and long socks. She was so invested in the music that she didn't realize the knock on the door. Raf walked in, watching as she hummed to herself and laughed brightly.

She turned to him with a puzzled look and he laughed louder. "No, no, don't let me stop you."

Kaura smiled and kept dancing along to the music, slowly inching her way towards him. He also started to bounce to the beat and they were both laughing. Until she grabbed his neck and pulled him in, plastering a kiss on his lips. "Let's have a party tonight," she whispered against his skin.

Raf was stunned for what seemed to be seconds before he pulled back with confusion. "Kaura..."

She blinked at him with no emotion and hung her head to the side. "Why the hell did you come here, Raf? I'm the one who's been telling you that we broke up but now that I do this you're pulling away?"

"I came to check up on you—"

"Everyone keeps wanting to check up on me," she laughed waving her fingers and the music stopped. "Everyone wants to make sure the sociopathic Kaura Bennett-Parker hasn't gone off the hinges! Well news flash, stop fucking checking up on me. I am not a patient that you need to do medical labs on, I am not some case you need to investigate —"

"Hey, hey," he hushed her, trying to soothe her. He grabbed her arms and pulled her in to wrap his arms around her. "I got you. I know you, Kaura. I'm just worried. Ever since Hope came here, I don't know, it seems like you're always at the edge of a cliff. And I'm scared."

Kaura allowed herself to be caged, taking deep breaths. She knew that his father killed himself and his mother...nowhere to be found. Raf had been in the foster system since he was 12. Once she caught her breath, she took a step back and quietly said, "You can leave now."

Raf pulled back, scanning her face for any indication that he should stay. "You sure? Because I can skip the rest of school for you."

Kaura shook her head and turned towards the window. "I'm fine."

Raf nodded, staring at her for a good dose of time before he headed for the door. "I actually think that we should have a party. I'll see you then?"

"You know it."


"There's no magic in this puppet anymore."

try to guess who said it and don't forget to vote ;)

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